Chapter 3

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[Y/N] P.O.V

I look up to see the black haired boy , grabbing me by my arms so I wouldn't fall.

" Are you okay?" Says the boy , slightly annoyed .

"Um.. yes thank you.." I blush a little bit.

He is more attractive up close , it made me really nervous.

He let's go of me so I could stand up properly . I bowed at him . " I'm so so sorry.. I'll be more careful next time"

"Yeah make sure there isn't gonna be a 'next time'"he said, starting to walk away.

"I'm sorry again!" I begin walking to where Emiko and Yori were.

Kageyama's P.O.V

I was walking back to my classroom as I saw that new girl from my class walk really fast. As she was walking even faster I noticed she tripped over her feet , but luckily for her , I caught her.I asked if she was okay , as soon as she said yes I let go of her, and go to class, she apologized like 30 times . She's almost as annoying as Hinata . I sigh as go to class.

[Y/N] P.O.V

I couldn't stop thinking about how that boy was really really really REALLY attractive... and also about he caught me so I wouldn't fall. I felt really embarrassed.

As I was walking towards my childhood friends, they were smiling at me.

"Hey guys sorry to make you wait.. I .. had an accident " I put my hand on the back of my neck.

"It's alright , plus we saw it " they both chuckle, I blush.

"Anyways , have you noticed that people are staring at you?"Yori said.

"Well yeah.. but I don't know why. My classmates were also staring but they said it was because I was pretty.. but I don't really believe that"

"Well .. they are telling the truth . When you were walking to your class that's when we noticed. And we asked one of our classmates that were also staring and he said that it was because you're really pretty and also said that we're lucky that we're your friends and also that he would do anything to talk with you and literally the rest of the class agreed"Emiko giggles.

Wow. I look at them surprised. Am I really that pretty? Nah they just need to get their eyes checked .

*Ringgg* the school bell rings.

"Well I'll meet you guys at lunch " I say as I'm walking my way to class.

"Okay see youu" they wave and they also go to class"

I walked inside the classroom and sat on my seat. I looked at the boy in front of me that caught some minutes ago and realized that I haven't got his name.

I poke his shoulder lightly. Then he looks at me rather annoyed and that he clearly didn't want to talk to me .. it was kind of scary.

"Um.. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but..I wanted to know your name.."

He furrowed his eyebrows . "Kageyama Tobio"

"What do you prefer me to call you?By your first name or last?"

"I don't care, call me whatever you want." He turns around facing the teacher walking in.

Jeez don't need to be like that.

*Time skip to Lunch break*

As I'm entering the cafeteria with my lunch I notice everyone going silent and just staring at me. I was REALLY uncomfortable.. but then I noticed Emiko and Yori and went to sit with them.

I sit down and everyone started talking like normal again.. what the hell..

" hey why did they stop talking when I got in? It was kind of weird." I ask them , and they just chuckle.

"They just decided to stop what they were doing to stare at the goddess" Emiko says while giggling.

"Haha very funny." Me being sarcastic as they laughed even more.

*After lunch *

As I got out with Emiko and Yori I noticed Kageyama talking to an orange haired boy. So it was them that we're staring at me yesterday.

We walk past them but then I noticed them staring at me , but then after some moments the orange haired boy decided to call my attention.

"Hey you , new girl!" He shouts , I looked at him and pointed at me , questioning if he was talking to me. He nodded.

"You can go , plus you're next to your class already , we'll go off to ours." Yori said.

"Oh alright then" I waved them goodbye and walked to Kageyama and the short boy.

"Um..what can I help you with ?" I asked .

"Well .. First things first , my name is Hinata Shouyo , you can call me Shouyo if you want," he smiles , omg he is so precious, " Second, this-"  Shouyo gets interrupted by Kageyama.

"She already knows me boke, we're on the same class" he said.

"Oh.. anyways then we skip to , third, What's your name?"

"Uhm [L/N] [F/N]."

"That's a really cute name.. ANYWAYS, forth , do you want to watch our volleyball game after school?" He asks with sparkling eyes.

He was literally the cutest boy I have ever met omg.
I was really interested, I didn't know Kageyama played volleyball.

" oh!sure! I actually love volleyball ! " I smile , I notice they slightly blush.

"o-oh that's even better then!" Shouyo says happily, "well then see you after school! Bye [Y/N]! Bye kAgEyAmAa" he skips through the hallway .. have I already said that he's literally adorable?

*Ring* the bell rings

"I didn't know you played volleyball Kageyama-kun!"

" yeah okay well talk about that later now we have class" he says .

Jeez again, no need to be like that.

We walk to the classroom and waited for the teacher to arrive.

I couldn't wait for school to be over .

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Hey guyssssssssss
I know I said I was probably gonna post this chapter like some hours later but I got too into anime and totally forgot ..oopsies.
Anyways , hoped you liked this chapter! I probably post the next chapter Tomorrow (August 19th 2020) because it's pretty late now haha
So ye.
Bye guys :0

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