Chapter 1

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[Y/N] P.O.V

~The night before the first day of school ~


I give a deep sigh as I think about tomorrow, my first day in a new school named Karasuno High, and how I have to make new friends all over again. Thinking about that made me sad and miss my friends from my other school even more. I didn't really want to transfer schools almost halfway into the school year ,but I had to ,because my parents wanted to move to Miyagi , and of course I couldn't contradict them .. so I had to accept it and move on.


A sound from my phone interrupted my thoughts . I went to see what or who it was , and it was Emiko , an old friend of mine , that created a group.. I opened up my phone and saw who was in the group. I saw another old friend of mine , Yori.

I was really confused about why they made a group, so , I asked:

Um.. Emiko? What is the reason of this group?

I waited for like 2 minutes and then finally received a reply which it said :

Wait I didn't tell you? Me and Yori are from Karasuno!

I didn't know they were from that school! Well I knew that they were from Miyagi but like.. I didn't know they went to Karasuno high! That made me so happy!

Wait really?! Yeah you didn't tell me >:0

Yori ʕʔ
Yeah we are haha
I guess we forgot to tell you !

It's alright :)
Anyways , how do you guys know that I was coming to Karasuno?

Like really.. I don't really talk to them to be completely honest. Mostly because I don't have a topic to talk about with them in message , but irl I always have something to say which is kind of funny but at the same time weird of me .

Oh ! My mom told me that you were going ! So I'm guessing your mom told my mom and ..yeah haha

Of course my mom would tell Emiko's mom, I mean they are really good friends .

Oh okay then !
I'm really nervous to be honest . About going to a new school and all.

I turned off my phone for a second while they were responding .

I was a lot more nervous before knowing that I was going to be in the same school as my childhood friends , that made me sigh out of relief , but that didn't stop me from being nervous.


A message from Emiko appeared on my phone. I opened my phone to see the message.

[Y/N] , you don't need to be nervous at all! Me and Yori will be with you so you don't need to worry about being alone! We will introduce our friends to you ! They're really nice !
And also the students in general are really kind so no need to be scared or anything like that ! I promise !

Not gonna lie, that made me a bit less nervous .

Well.. I hope you're right then ..

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