Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV
~Morning, 7AM

The trio we're still sleeping, but then Hinata woke up since he always goes on a quick run this early in the morning.

Hinata looks to his right and sees [Y/N] hugging his arm, and because of that, he lightly blushes and tries to get out of her grip without waking her up. He then covered her with his blanket so that she isn't cold.

He got up and got ready...but then thought Kageyama would do something to [Y/N], so to prevent from anything happening, he woke Kageyama up and asked him if he wanted to go on a quick run with him, and he said yes. Then, when Kageyama got ready, they both headed out and left [Y/N] sleeping.


[Y/N] woke up, and noticed that the two boys weren't there. She then smirked thinking they went on a secret morning date (like that exists lol), but then.. she kind of felt a little bit jealous of Hinata, and imagined them going on a date together.. she slapped herself and thought 'get a hold of yourself [Y/N] they arent even gay.'

After all of that thinking, she got ready and went to the kitchen and saw them making breakfast.

"Ah! Good morning [Y/N]! Did you sleep well?" Hinata looks at [Y/N] and smiles.

"Good morning!, and yeah I did!" after looking at them a little more, she noticed how their hair were wet.

"Did you guys go somewhere without me?" she pouts

"huh? oh! We went for a morning run! Initially I was going by myself, but then i thought Kageyama would bother you while you were sleeping, so I also invited him... and then we took a quick shower and didn't dry our hair cuz we didn't want to wake you up... did you want to go with us?"

" that i think of it, no, i'm glad u guys let me sleep" she laughs.

[Y/N] sits next to them and eats her breakfast.

After 10 minutes of chatting, they decided they would go to some random places like the mall, a park, etc..

[sorry i'm lazy, but they basically had fun there and didn't do anything spicy lel]


They got home, and [Y/N] asked if they could do another sleepover for tonight, and they agreed, well.. Kageyama didn't agree at first but then hinata reminded him that his mom wants him to have fun with us, so he agreed to have another sleepover.

[Y/N] then called her mom to warn her about staying one more night, and she said okay.

They then made dinner, ate it, and then went to Hinata's room to have some more fun. [😏/j]

"Guys. We should play truth or dare!" [Y/N] exclaims.

" Okay! I ASK FIRST" Hinata raises his hand.

Kageyama is just sitting there like 😐

[Y/N] laughs, "okay go ahead!"

"I pick ... YOU [Y/N]"


"Truth or dare?"

"hmmm truth"

"okay.." he thinks for a little, and remembers about the time she said that she was from Aoba johsai and transferred to karasuno. He always wanted to know why exactly. He knew she said that it was toxic, but he was still curious. But of course he also didn't want to remind her of her bad experience there..

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