Chapter 6

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Kageyama's POV

"Let's go" I start walking out of the school, but to be honest I don't even know if she was following me or not.

I look back and see her following me like she's some kind of lost kid or I don't know. Something like that.
I look forwards again.

"Hey!!! Don't leave me here!" The annoying tangerine shouts. Making my head ache. I stop and wait for the damn tangerine to catch up.

I look at [Y/N] waiting for Boke to catch up and it made me think. How did she have such similar serves to Oikawa San? I had to admit, it confused me. Unless he taught her. I mean, I can't really believe it since Oikawa San didn't want to teach me, so maybe Iwaizumi San helped her convince him too? I don't know.. it doesn't even make sense. I never saw her at that school.. Maybe they practiced after school or something.

I thought, as tangerine caught up to us. I look at him.

"Let's go already or Daichi San will think we're scheming something." I said as I turned forward.

"Y-yeah I agree with Kageyama kun" [Y/N] sounded kind of nervous for some reason.

"Sigh I was actually gonna talk about it to you guys but I guess you guys don't wanna play after all" I turn around to see boke pouting and [Y/N] slightly blushing or at least looks like it.

"We played a good gane in the gym and you still want to play more? Well I don't mind playing more since I'm not exhausted anymore but Daichi San is right. We should rest."

[Y/N] hums a yes while nodding and Hinata just pouts more.

"Fine. But tomorrow we'll play " he weirdly smiles. Is he trying to be evil or?? [Y/N] just laughs at his face.

I have to say she looks really cute right now.

What the hell am I thinking.

I turn around and start walking again and Hinata walks beside me while [Y/N] is behind us. Not really knowing why. Is she not comfortable with us still?

I look back at [Y/N].

"[Y/N] don't worry I don't bite. You can walk next to me if you want. Or next to boke over here"

"U-uh I-I know .. it's just I-I'm not used to walking home with people I just met" she shyly scratches the back of her neck.

"Oh. Then it's fine you don't need to walk next to us." I simply said.

"Wait! I'll walk next to you guys. I'm sorry if I sounded mean.." she walks a lil faster to catch up with us ,and goes next to me .

"It's fine."

~After a few minutes~

"Well .. I have to part ways guys :(" we stop and look at Hinata.

"Well then bye boke see you tomorrow." I simply said

"Aww alright . Bye Shoyoooo" she waves at him and he waves back and walks the other direction.


"So.. what path do you take to go home?" Kageyama asks.

"Oh, I take this one right here," I point to where my neighborhood is."what about you?"

"Me too, that means we can still walk together- ah, if you want to-" Kageyama cuts him self.

"Sure!" I simply said , smiling at him.


We start walking towards the neighborhood and the walk was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable so I didn't really mind.

"Um..[Y/N] san.. did.. Oikawa san.. by any chance, taught you how to serve?" He breaks the silence , looking at me. I look back at him with my eyes quite wide. "How did you know?!" I ask seriously curious on how he knew.. did he know Oikawa senpai? Perhaps a fan? I never heard Oikawa senpai talk about him ..well maybe he did but I just forgot.

"Well .. your serves are pretty close to his but I don't know if I should say this, but, better , in fact.. much better than his" I look at him in surprise. "Aww thanks" I giggle. " do you know who Ushijima Senpai is? From Shiratorizawa?" He nods. "Well in his free time he also helped me improve!" I smile and I noticed his face literally telling me "how" I giggle. "I'm that special" I wink at him.

"Anyways, you're friends with Oikawa Senpai and Ushijima Senpai?" I ask , he shakes his head."huh? Really?or are you a fan of them ?" He looks at me quite angry, I messed up😃
"No.. it's just they both hate me. That's all." I look at him worriedly "I'm sorry " I frown a bit , and felt a pat on my head "don't worry it's fine really" he laughs silently as he's patting my head. I blush slightly but I face the forwards so he doesn't notice it.

"a-and here's my house." I stop and look at him.

"Oh my house is over there." He points at his house "we can walk together to school if you want." He said. I smile "sure!" I walk a bit closer to my house.
"Thank you for walking me home Kageyama kun ! " I smile, " see you tomorrow at school" I wave at him.

"Yeah.. no problem.. see you." He waves and quickly turns around and heads to his house.

As I was unlocking the door to my house I forgot to ask for his number to what time we would go together. I'm so stupid. I facepalmed and took off my shoes and went to the kitchen and I see my mom .. who had a smirk on her face. Oh no. She didn't hear the conversation. Did she?

"Who's Kageyama?"

Well that answers it.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
I literally forgot to post it yesterday-
Omg I'm so fricking DUMB
..n e wayz
My school is starting in 2 days and I want to kms haha.. bcuz it's a new school. Ye
I hope you're enjoying this fanfic even tho it's bad ,:) It's my first what do you expect 🤡
So ye
Also if there's any mistake plz plz plz tell me
I love you guys :>
Please be safe ❤️

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