Chapter 2

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~The Morning~

[Y/N] P.O.V

*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP-* I slap my alarm and it thank fully made it stop beeping.

I groan as I look at my window and think about school. I really don't wanna go.

As I was beginning to close my eyes again my mom knocked on the door .

"[Y/N]? Are you awake?"

"Yes mommmmmm" I open my eyes again .

I start sliding my way out of my comfortable bed to the floor .

"Nng I don't wanna go to school"

After some minutes , I officially get up from the ground and go to the bathroom .
After I put my uniform on I went downstairs to make breakfast .

"Ohayo mom" I say with a sleepy voice.

"Ohayo sweetie. Did you sleep well?"

I nod . I made my breakfast and started eating .

"So.. first day of school huh? Are you excited ?" My mom smiles

"Well yeah.. but mostly nervous" I said as I was stuffing my mouth with food.

"Aw sweetie , don't worry you will make lots of friends there!"

I sigh.

I finish my breakfast, I look at the time and see that it's 7:40AM . Wow how time flies. But I still had plenty of time before I had to go.

I decided to text the group chat .

Good morning guys!
When and where are we meeting eachother?

Good morning!
We can meet at that turn with the yellow pole at 8AM

Yori ʕʔ
Thats where me and Emiko meet when one of us is early haha

Oh alright then !
Meet you guys there then!

I turn off my phone and prepare my backpack. After that I went to brush my teeth .

I look again at the time and see that it's 7:50AM. I take like 3 to 5 minutes to get to the place where Emiko told us to meet so that means I could go to my switch and play a little bit of animal crossing.

After 5 minutes , I turn off my switch and put it down . I went to the fridge and grabbed my lunch and put it in my backpack.

I grabbed my backpack and I paused for a bit to make sure I didn't forget anything. I didn't, so I was ready to go.

I said goodbye to my mom and exited my house.

As I was walking to the destination I noticed Emiko and Yori! I waved at them and smiled and they waved back .

I ran to them and gave them a huge hug.

"Omg I missed you guys so fricking much!" I hugged them tighter.

"We missed you too [Y/N]" they giggled.

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