Chapter 8

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Me and Kageyama were walking together to class, but we didn't talk because , well , we didn't have anything to talk about. The closer we got to class, I noticed Emiko and Yori and I decided to say a quick hi before class.

"I'll see you in class Kageyama-kun" I wave at him while walking towards Emiko and Yori.

He didn't say anything back



When I looked back at Emiko , I saw her smirking and Yori just laughing.

"PFFT You were totally rejected back there" Yori bursts out laughing.

"Cut it out I wasn't even rejected or anything"

"So.. who's that guy? Your new boyfriend? Aren't you going a lil too fast [Y/N]? " Emiko giggles

"He can't be , I mean , didn't you see what happened some seconds ago?!" Yori continues laughing

"I said cut it out Yori . And no. He isn't my boyfriend. He is too.. weird."

"And aren't you weird too?" Emiko laughs

"..he is weirder"

"Yeah yeah sure, you better go to class before your boyfriend comes to get you"

"First of all, I already told you he isn't my boyfriend, second of all, he wouldn't even do that" I sigh " well I'm going now.. see you later guys"

"Okay byeeeeee" they both say , waving at me still laughing a bit

And of course, we can't forget the eyes on me still.

I can't even get to class without anyone staring. I thought they would stop now that it's the second day I'm here , but no.

I arrive , just before the bell rang, and sat on my seat , behind Kageyama.

~ time skip to after class ~

I get out of class and went to where Emiko and Yori were, and we are just sitting on a bench outside the block.

"So how are you liking this school [Y/N] - chan? I bet you love it already since u have a boyfriend now~" Yori and Emiko start snickering.

"You guys , I swear to god-"

"Okok we'll stop , we'll stop." And they did stop, thank god

"But seriously, are you having fun at this school? Besides the staring "

"Yeah I guess.. I've made some friends on that volleyball club"

"Oh yeahhh! That boy is from the boys volleyball team, setter right?" Yori asks, I nod.

"Yeah , he is pretty good at setting the ball but when it comes to socializing.."

"Oh I bet you two will be dating before the end of the school year. If you two end up together, you have to give me and Yori... anything we ask for a day!" She smiles at me devilishly .

"Yeah no, ain't happening" I roll my eyes.

3rd person POV~

As [Y/N] , Yori and Emiko are chatting during the 15 minute break, little Tobio-chan was thirsty for some mįLk. So of course, we walked where the vending machine was , and got his milk.

Since the trash was next to him , he decided to drink his milk there. While he was sipping on his milk, he decided to look around, and saw [Y/N] hanging out with her friend, and of course , lots of people staring at her.

He really wanted to know why people can't take their eyes off her. They were like teenagers glued to their phone but except being a phone, it was [Y/N].
He started staring at her .

Yeah, he thought .. she was pretty , but , that wasn't an explanation to people just stare at her all day, don't they have an idea that that's weird and uncomfortable? He thought more but then saw that [Y/N] noticed him staring at her, and was waving at him, so he quickly finished his milk, tossed in the trash and walked to class.

[Y/N] was really confused about what happened but eventually she let it slide.


That was the bell for the next class, so [Y/N] got up from the bench, said bye to her friends and walked to class.

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I have been so busy with school I didn't have the time to write chapters for you all , and for that I apologize :(
right now it's almost 3k reads omg
I still can't believe it-
And also thank you so much for voting and commenting on this absolute crap of fanfic-
I appreciate all of the comments I've gotten, and I try my best to update !
So ye
I don't want this AN to be long , so .. yeah I hope you all are still enjoying it and I hope you all are safe wherever you are!
Love you all <3

(Also sorry that this chapter is short and crappy ToT I'm gonna try and update tomorrow)

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