Chapter 4

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*5 minutes before the last class of the day ending *

I noticed that Kageyama started to slowly pack his things , damn that boy really can't wait just five more minutes?

"You can all pack your things now " says the teacher.

As soon I heard that I began to pack my things.. Kageyama was already done and now was just waiting for the bell to ring. I quietly giggled at his face , he really wanted to go to volleyball practice already.

Then he suddenly looks at me and just looks at me rather angry. Well.. at least that's what it looks like-


"Class dismissed, goodbye everyone and don't forget to do your homework!See you all tomorrow!" The teacher smiles. I smile back and say goodbye and noticed Kageyama was already gone. He didn't even wait for me , so nice of him.

As I walk out I see Shouyo, waiting for me.

"Hey [Y/N]!" ,He smiles brightly , "Kageyama went alone , so you can come with me! You ready?" He asks.

He is definitely mad at me and I don't even know what I did.

"Oh sure Shouyo, and also thank you for waiting for me .." I smile.

" Yeah no prob [Y/N] , also .. did something happen between you and Kageyama?" He looks at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Well.. this morning he caught me when I almost fell. Maybe he got mad cuz of that ? I really don't know"

"Well.. Kageyama gets upset with everything really easily so don't worry about that too much, he is really weird." He stated .

"Oh alright then."

We got to the gym and saw Kageyama already in his Karasuno volleyball uniform practicing .. all by himself.

"[Y/N] , you can sit on that bench over there, I'm going to go change ! I'll be right back!" He runs to the locker room"

I walk to the bench and I see a volleyball roll over to me. I look at Kageyama and he looked really scary.

"Kageyama-kun did I do something wron-" he cut me off

"Could you pass me that volleyball next to you ."

I grab the ball and went up to him.

"Do you have something against me? I didn't do anything wrong .."

He just stares at me for a second before he started to ask for the ball again.I huffed and gave him the ball. I walked back to the bench .

"You didn't do anything wrong to me. It's just .. you kinda look familiar but it's probably just my head being all stupid and making me imagine things ." He said , continuing to practice .

"Your head in general is stupid"

A REALLY tall blonde boy walks in while saying that with a shorter boy with [ I don't wanna start a controversy with Yamaguchi's hair color so you imagine the color YOU think it is :>]colored hair.

"Tch" Kageyama clicks his tongue.

"And who are you? New girl?" The blonde boy asks.

"Um.. I'm [L/N] [F/N] .. you can call me by my first name tho.And yes I'm new here and I'm in Kageyama's class." I said smiling slightly .

"Pft poor you . You have to be with Kageyama and his non-existent brain." The blonde boy snickers.

"Tsukki don't be like that "the [color you think Yamaguchi's hair is] colored boy says.

"Shut up Yamaguchi." "Gomen Tsukki~"

"The name's Tsukishima Kei, and this is Yamaguchi Tadashi." He says.

"Oh it's nice to meet you" I bow at the two boys.

The two boys started walking to the locker room when Shouyo kicked the door and running to the court. I laughed a little bit because it was funny seeing Tsukishima's and Yamaguchi's faces.

Then Shouyo came up to me .

"Have you ever played volleyball [Y/N]? Well yeah I know you said that you love it but .. do you or did you play?" He asked .

"Well.. I used to play at my other school.." I started looking down.

"Oh ! Did something happen ? What school? "

Kageyama started to look at us to see what I would say.

"Well I was from Aoba jousai.. and I don't really wanna talk about it.. let's just say... it was toxic there and i didn't like it ."

"Aoba Jousai ?! That's where the grand king goes to school! Anyways. Are you thinking of joining the girls volleyball group?"Shouyo asked , Kageyama was just staring.

"No.. I'm not joining any volleyball girl group ever again..please don't ask I'm still not over it..."

"Oh .. I'm sorry." Shouyo just stops for a second and begins talking again . "Would you like to play Volleyball with us?" He asked , " I really want to see how you play!" He smiles.

My eyes widened a bit .

"Can I really play? I mean ..your coach could-" " NAH don't worry about it! Please come play with ussssss" he gives puppy eyes . I really couldn't resist. "Sigh fine but let me dress my p.e clothes .. I'll come back then." I run out the gym.

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Hey guys!
I'm finishing this chapter here!
The next chapter will have more readerxkags don't worry heheh.
Also I'm so so so sorry for not posting this chapter earlier! I was really busy! I started it like 2 days ago and now I just finished it . If there's any mistake please tell me ! Because I kind of rushed it ,:)
Anyways byeeeee <3

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