Chapter 18

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The next day, Monday 1AM

Kageyama's POV

This is so stupid.. Why can't I stop thinking about her? I really need to sleep or else I can't pay attention in class.

... well its not like I pay any attention even when i'm not tired.. but still I really need to stop.

She's the first person I've been thinking about non-stop.. but why? It's not like I have feelings for her or anything. She's nothing but a friend and a classmate.

At least I think so?

I can't really call this weird feeling in my chest love since I never really cared about it.

My love has only been for volleyball. Not for some weird new girl. much as I would like to say the opposite, I really think I am having feelings for [Y/N].

but, just to make sure, I should probably talk to someone about this feeling... but I won't tell them who i'm "interested" in.. they might even be interested in her too.. because well.. she's really interesting lol

okay now that I've finished thinking about all this nonsense I'm going to sleep.

(ofc he didn't)

fast forward to 9AM


they will definitely ask about my eye bags. I seriously don't have the pacience for that. So I'll just go to school and pretend like I had the best sleep of my life and find someone to talk about these feelings or else i'm afraid I won't be sleeping for the next few days.

3rd person POV

He gets out of bed to put his uniform on and make his breakfast.

"Good morning sweetheart! Have you slept well?" his mom asks while she's eating her breakfast.

"mm good.." he responds , very tiredly.

"Tobio I can see that you didn't. Did you have a nightmare ?" she asks worried.

"mom im fine just.. super tired" he sits to eat his food.

"Are you sure? you can stay home if you didn't get any rest honey. If you're only going to school because of volleyball I suggest for you to rest. There's always tomorrow!" she pats his back softly

"No mom I really need to go to school I have uh.. a school project to turn in " he lies

"ohh so that's why you we're staying up all night.. well after school make sure to get some rest okay?"

"kay" he finishes his food and gets his school bag.

"Bye sweetheart have fun at school okay?" she waves at him

"bye mom" he leaves out of his house and heads to [L/N]'s house to walk together to school.

He arrives to [Y/N]'s house and just waits for her to come out of her house. He pulls out his phone to text her that he's at her door and he immediately sees the [H/C] haired girl running out of her house.

"Good morning Kageyama-- woah nice eyebags you got there" she stops and examines his face.

Kageyama felt his cheeks getting warmer so he quickly looked away

"You're just imagining things." he starts walking

"uhm I dont think I am.. It's not normal for you to have such eyebags like that.. did you have trouble sleeping?" she asks worried and starts walking behind him.

"tsk I'm fine. If I wasn't fine I wouldn't even be here."

"hey no need to be like that yknow.. im just worried okay.."

Kageyama just stays quiet for the entire walk to school.

[Y/N]'s POV

jeez what's his problem? Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did... maybe I did? but what? Was it because of my little joke from yesterday? I didn't mean any harm i'm sure he knows that I was just surprised by his text really.. he was so sweet that afternoon

I really liked that sweet kageyama.. but oh well he was probably tired and that's why he was nice lol. I really shouldn't be missing that side of Kageyama or else I might even fall for him

haha could you imagine?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~





im sorry this isnt a long chapter but hey at least i updated right?



this chapter was written on my laptop so yeah if there are some incorrect words, please do tell me because I really wanted to update as soon as possible for you guys

and also I didnt even read the fanfic all over again lol I just read like chapter 15-17 to kinda know where I left off and also know how I used to write lol

it was so cringe oh well

at least you guys like it

that's what really matters to me <3

anyways i hope yall liked this update and ill see u on the next one!

the next one will come out on the 21st of june babes ;)

bye bye love you guysssssssss

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