hey :D

1K 12 7

hi uhm

I know you guys weren't expecting this return almost a year later

trust me neither did I

but hey im here

and I did some thinking 

I don't know if you guys remember but I made like a "The New girl 2.0" type shit but then kind of "gave up" on it and today unpublished it

and I feel really bad because it's been like 3 or 4 years since I started this fanfic and I still haven't completed it officially..

and that's only because, since I'm older now (I'm 18 now), I cringe a lot at my old self (15/14 year old self) and I just don't have the same motivation as I did 3/4 years ago.

but yeah I know you guys are probably mad at me , I don't blame you tho, I would be sad too if I had a fanfiction that I really liked and the author just abandonned it like I kind of did

but just so you know, I literally wrote like 2 chapters but i never posted them because I forgor :,<

but that's beside the point


I was actually thinking (again) of remaking it for real this time

I will try my absolute best to not ignore it or forget about it 

I know I said this a million times but I will try my very best to actually complete it because I really feel bad for those who actually read this shit and were waiting for a new chapter for ages

I will now leave to start the new one (again) and post 2 chapters today.

but before that let me just thank you for reading and liking this cringy ass story

Im not saying its cringy just because it's mine

im saying it because it really is cringy af

but yeah thank you so much for the votes and all the comments I never stopped reading your comments because they were always so funny to me

but yeah stay tuned :)

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