Meeting A Chaotic Pack

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"Oh shit, Hyungs, you weren't kidding!" One of the Pack's Omegas yelled as they entered the house.

"Taehyung, language." Wonho said sternly with a disapproving glare.

The Omega rolled his eyes.

Changkyun held the four Omegas close, looking around the large pack.

They all talked over top of each other, while fretting over the new comers.

"Will all of you shut up! You're overwhelming them." Jackson shushed the chaotic group.
"Hyunjin, Seokjin and Jinyoung can you three look over the new Pups, please. Check them over for any injuries."

The three Betas nodded, ushering the five new Omegas into the medicine room.

Changkyun stood in front of the four younger Omegas protectively.

Jinyoung smiled fondly.
"I assume you're the eldest. Changkyun, was it?"

The Omega nodded.

"It's nice to meet you, Changkyun. Can you come over here with me, please. We need to check that cut on your neck. It looks as though an infection is about to set in." Jinyoung distracted the eldest Omega while Hyunjin and Seokjin moved swiftly and efficiently on the other four.

Hyunjin walked up to the youngest, making sure the last of the heat's effects were wearing off.

Jeongin studied him carefully.

Hyunjin smiled sweetly.
"Are you feeling okay? Bangchan said Jaebeom Hyung had to stop you from dropping back at that place."

Jeongin blushed at how close and caring the older seemed.

Changkyun growled protectively.

"Your Pups are okay, Changkyun. Everyone is quite healthy, and Jeongin's heat should be completely finished by tomorrow evening. He does need a lot of rest tho, and I would like him to nest with two of our Alphas-"

Changkyun growled again.

Seokjin sighed.
"He hasn't been near an Alpha since he presented. You know this isn't healthy for an Omega."

Changkyun whined, looking to Jeongin.
"Yeah. I know..." He mumbled.

Hyunjin nodded.
"Bangchan and Changbin are our two youngest Alphas. Both very cuddly and love nesting with Omegas."

Changkyun looked to Jeongin, who looked nervous and shy, yet a small hopeful glint glistened in his eyes.

Changkyun sighed. He couldn't keep his Pups sheltered forever.

"If they hurt him. I'll hurt them." He threaten.

Hyunjin didn't appreciate the threat made towards two of his Alphas, but he nodded anyway.

"I'll go get them." He said, leaving the room.

"And I'll get Mark and Jimin, two of our Omegas, to get a nest ready." Jinyoung said, following the other Beta out.

"Mark and Jimin are our best nest builders." Seokjin smiled proudly.
"They can help build another if you want one too."

Changkyun looked to Jungkook and Yugyeom who were giving him big hopeful eyes.

Those two sure did love nests...

The eldest Omega nodded.
"That would be great. Thank you."

"Ahh, Bangchan, Changbin." Seokjin smiled to the Alphas when they entered the room.
"You've met Jeongin already, right?"

The two nodded, bowing to the Omega.

"Perfect. Well, Mark and Jimin are building a nest for you three. This little Pup really needs Alpha pheromones during this time."

They both smiled and nodded.

"Would you like to head to the nest room now?" Bangchan asked Jeongin.

Jeongin looked to Changkyun, who nodded.

The young Omega slipped off the medicbed and walked over to the Alphas.
"I would love to." He smiled nervously.

The Alphas lead the Omega out of the room.

Changkyun whined as his Pup disappeared from his sight.

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