PART ONE: An Omega's Extended Heat

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Kihyun groaned as his phone went off.

It was far too early for it to be his alarm.

He frowned as he lift up his phone.


He scrunched his face up, wondering why the young Alpha would be ringing at such a ridiculous hour.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hyung! I'm so glad you answered! Riki-He...his heat won't subside! He's been in heat for nine days, we don't know what to do! He won't wake up!"

Kihyun sat up abruptly.
"Fuck. Okay, Heeseung. I'll grab Mark and Jisung and we'll be right over. Hold on, Pup."

Kihyun kicked his duvet off of his legs as he leaped out of the bed.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He cursed as he walked to Mark's room.

Kihyun shook him.
"Hyung, wake up. We have a problem." He whispered loudly.

Mark sat up gasping.
"Is it one of the Pups?" He asked with wide eyes.

Kihyun frowned. He shrugged.
"Not one of ours."

He explained the situation as Mark rushed around, getting dressed.

"Shit. He will probably need fever reducers. Can you go find one of the unopened boxes in the Medicine Room, while I wake up Sungie."

Kihyun nodded quickly as Mark rushed to Jisung's shared room.

It was hard to locate the young Omega at first, being burried under three other Pups.

Mark woke him though, pulling him up (making the three young Pups whine with loss.)

Mark hushed them back to sleep as he shoved a hoodie over Jisung's head.

"Let's go to the car." Mark said, picking the younger Omega up in his arms.

Jisung whined, burrying his face into Mark's scent gland.

"Got it, Hyung!" Kihyun whispered loudly, holding up a packet of fever reducers.

Mark nodded.
"Let's go. Can you get the car keys?"

"Already got 'em." Kihyun said, holding up the keys.

The drive was just under an hour. But Kihyun's and Mark's anxiety was rather high.

They've heard some stories about Omegas whose heats ran too long.

None were good.

Some had seizures due to the prolonged HIGH fever, which has caused brain damage.

Jisung rubbed his eyes sleepily, still not completely with the world yet.

"Why are your pheromones so high, Hyungs?" He asked.

Kihyun turned around in his seat to look at Jisung.
"It's Riki...his heat isn't settling. I'm hoping your scent is able calm him down. You both seem to have a connection."

Jisung whined, looking out to the still dark night.

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