Sleep Deprived

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Yeonjun jumped and gasped as his eyes started to close.

He slapped his face.
"Fuck. Stay awake, idiot." He mumbled to himself, slipping out of bed.

He walked into the darkened hallway. It was late, no one was awake.

Well, maybe Bangchan was, as he has insomnia, but he often laid in bed with his headphones in untill he fell asleep.

Yeonjun groaned, going to the lounge room.

He flopped onto the couch, rubbing his eyes, rubbing the tears away.

He was angry.

He was frustrated.

It's been eighty nine hours without sleep.

He has learnt about sleep deprivation, he KNOWS what is going on and what is yet to come.










Your heart will give out eventually.

Yeonjun knows all this, he does.

But he can't sleep....

It's the nightmares. The same shit everynight.

He dreams of Seungkwan. About what his boss did to him, just because he's an Omega.

Yeonjun dreams of being in Seungkwan's place.

Is being assaulted just a part of being an Omega?

Is that going to happen to HIM when he goes out and gets a job?

Will his dream come true? Will his Pack actually kick him out if they found out he's 'filthy'?

Yeonjun rubs the tears from his eyes.

"Pup, what are you doing up so late?" Came Minghao's voice as the elder entered the room.

Yeonjun whimpered, turning to the Beta.
"Nothing Hyung, just couldn't sleep."

The Beta cocked his head.
"Did you want to come sleep with me and Jun?" He asked.

Yeonjun shook his head.
"No...I'm just going to put a movie on until I fall asleep."

Minghao hummed, frowning at the young Omega.
"Okay, just don't stay up too long."

Yeonjun nodded as the elder walked back to bed.

He sighed, flopping back onto the couch.

Yeonjun pulled the blanket from the back of the couch, wrapping it around himself.

From there, he let his mind wonder.

For hours apparently.

He hadn't noticed when the early risers began to wake.

"Yeonjun, you're up early." Namjoon said with a cock of his head.

Yeonjun startled, not realising he was so deep in his head and thought.

Yeonjun turned to the window, noticing the sun just peeking over top of the hill.

He turned back towards Namjoon.
"Morning, Hyung. I fell asleep early, so I woke up early." He lied with a smile.

Namjoon studied the younger.
"It doesn't look like you slept at all."

"I don't think he has." It was Minghao, once again who made himself known.

Yeonjun looked away.
"I did. Its fine."

Minghao and Namjoon gave each other a worried look.

"He was still awake at quarter past four when I woke up to get a glass of water." Minghao whispered to Namjoon.

Namjoon hummed.
"We should talk to Seungcheol and Hyunwoo about this." He whispered back.

Minghao nodded, going to wake the leader and the second in charge.

Namjoon sat by Yeonjun.

Yeonjun stared gazed at the older when he sat by him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Namjoon asked, wrapping an arm around Yeonjun's shoulders, pulling him into a side hug.

Yeonjun hummed.
"Yeah, Hyung." He said, stifling a yawn.

Minghao re-entered the room, Seungcheol and Hyunwoo close behind.

"What happened?" Seungcheol asked, kneeling in front of the young Pup, one hand on Yeonjun's knees, the other caressing his cheek.

"Everything is fine, Hyung." Yeonjun closed his eyes, nestling into the second in charge hand.

"But it's not okay, is it? You look absolutely wrecked." Seungcheol frowned.

Yeonjun whined, resting his head against Seungcheol's shoulder.

"I'm so bloody tired. I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes I...." He trailed off.

He doesn't want to expose his insecurities and worries.

"It's alright, you can talk to us about anything, okay? We're all here for you Yeonjun." Hyunwoo said, sitting on the young Pup's left side.

Yeonjun's four present Hyungs gave him reasurrance and love as he told them about his nightmares.

About how he hasn't slept in nearly four days.

Other members joined them, giving Yeonjun comfort as they woke and listened.

Eventually, Yeonjun fell asleep, burried and tangled with his Pack members.

Breakfast and the day forgotten about as they all brought comfort to Yeonjun.

All The Foolish Dreams I Had Inside Of Me Are BrokenWhere stories live. Discover now