Vernon In Charge

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Vernon smiled, watching the two boys play outside.

It wasn't often the younger kids got to act like actual kids.

A lot of them already gone through hell and back before they were even in their late teens, it was like some of them had forgotten how to play and just be Pups.

Vernon pushed off from the door frame.

He was home alone with Kai and Jeongin, being the eldest of the three, Seungcheol put his trust in him to keep the two younger Pups safe.

He was about to start making lunch when he heard a scream, and Kai's pain suddenly flashed through the bond before he felt nothing.

Panicking, he ran to the back door, looking back out at the two.

Kai was on the ground crying, holding his ankle.

Jeongin was kneeling beside him, his hands hovering over the boy's skin. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to help.

Vernon swore, running down the stairs to the boy's sides.

"What happened?" He asked, panicking.

Jeongin looked up with watery eyes.
"I kicked the ball and he stepped back, and tripped over the wood pile. He hurt his ankle and hit his head." Jeongin said, pointing to the blood running down the younger's temple.

"Fuck. Fuck." Vernon swore.

"I'm sorry, Hyung." Jeongin whined.

Vernon rubbed a hand up and down his back.
"It's not your fault, Pup. I'll get him inside, can you get an ice pack from the freezer, please. And my phone from the kitchen bench."

Jeongin nodded, before running into the house.
"Are you alright, Kai?" Vernon asked.

Kai shook his head, burrying his face into the elder's neck, smearing blood on his shirt.

Vernon carried him inside, to the lounge room couch.

Jeongin handed the phone to him, as he placed the ice pack to Kai's swollen ankle.

Vernon rang Seungcheol.
"Fuck. Answer. Shit-Hyung! I don't know what to-Kai's head is bleeding and I can't-I need help."

Vernon was a Beta, he specialised in keeping the Pack healthy. He's wrapped many of the Pack's wounds in his life time...but never was he alone when doing it. He always had help and support. And he's never been in a situation like THIS. He couldn't think straight.

"Ver-calm down, Pup. We're coming back now, okay. We'll be right there."

Vernon nodded, not caring that his second in charge couldn't see him.

"They'll be back soon." He told the two when he hung up.

Tears sprung to Vernon's eyes.
"Innie, g-get a cloth from the linnen cupboard."

"Thanks." Vernon thanked him when he arrived back with the cloth.

He held the cloth to the youngest's bleeding head.

The front door slamed open, and loud, panicked voices spread through out the house.

Vernon sighed with relief. So relieved he could have cried.

Vernon moved aside for Beomgyu, Taehyun, Jihoon and Minhyuk, so they could take Kai to the Medicine Room.

Yeonjun and Soobin follow them in.

Joshua and Jooheon looked Jeongin over (just in case - paranoid Hyungs much)

A hand is placed on Vernon's shoulder, startling him. He turns around.
"Hyung..." He whimpered to the second in charge as his chin started to wobble.

"I didn't mean for him to get hurt. I'm the worst Hyung ever." Vernon wiped at his eyes.

Seungkwan walked over, pulling the younger into a hug.
"Oh, love, you're not. Accidents happen. That's why they're called accidents." Seungkwan tried to reassure, standing on his tiptoes to give the taller a kiss on the forehead. (Vernon had to bend down slightly).

"Kai will be alright. Jihoon is in the Medicine Room with him. And Jihoon is the best Beta we have when dealing with injuries."

Vernon sniffled, nodding.

Seungkwan wiped the younger's tears away.

Seungcheol smiled fondly.

Jeonghan pushed Seungcheol and Seungkwan out of the way, until he was standing infront of Vernon.

"Kai just needs butterfly stitches, but he'll be okay. Jihoon is keeping him in a while longer, just to keep an eye on him."

Vernon sniffled, nodding.

"C'mon, my little Pup. Lets get you settled with a hot chocolate. You definitely need one after this." Jeonghan smiled, pulling the Beta to the kitchen, setting him at the kitchen table between Mark and Jackson.

And wasn't the Omega right, a hot chocolate and Pack hugs was exactly what he needed.

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