Changkyun's Past & A Pack's Offer

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It was a few days after the Pack meeting when the two heads of the Pack got a solid plan together and sat Changkyun and his four Pups down.

"You want us to...No. Take them, but I-I can't." Changkyun said, shaking his head.
"I'll ruin your Pack if you let me join."

The four younger Omegas looked to him with teary eyes.
"Kyun-hyung..." Jeongin whined.

Changkyun ignored the younger boy.
"I think they will make perfect additions to your Pack." He said, his chin held high.

The Omegas protested.
"Hyung, no! We aren't doing this without you."

Changkyun snarled to the younger boy.
"Don't be foolish!"

His facial expression softened.
"You Pups deserve everything I could never give you. I wasn't very...If I had tried harder, we could have actually had a decent place to live-"

"Don't say that, you tried your best, Hyung. We are so proud and so happy you were there for us. How many people can say they have someone like that?" Chan argued.

"We had a roof over our heads, we never went to bed hungry or cold. And that's thanks to you, Kyun. None of us would have survived without you." Jungkook whined.

The Alphas remained silent, this was the Omega's matter and they weren't getting involved in it.

"If you walk out, Changkyun, we walk with you." Jungkook said, a determined look on his face.

"So fucking stubborn." Changkyun mumbled, rubbing a hand down his face.

He turned to look at the other four Omegas.
"I never told you. But my Family was a Pack...They were a Pack of a long line of Alphas and when I presented as an Omega at the early age of eleven...they kicked me out." He took a deep breath.

"I lived on the street for nearly a year before another Pack took me in. Three young Alphas and an unpresented. I joined their Pack within a month of meeting them, I thought we were going to be a Pack forever."

He paused, biting his lip.
"And, well, the unpresented eventually presented as an Omega. The Alphas went feral during his first heat and they all Mated him. They kicked me out after that. I wasn't loved, I wasn't needed. I found Jungkook about six weeks after that."

Chan whined. Getting up from his seat, he rubbed his neck against Changkyun's.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, Hyung." He whined.

Changkyun smiled sadly.

"This isn't a decision you have to make now. You can give us an answer when you're ready." Hyunwoo said to them.

"If you don't want to do this, Hyung. We wont either. We love you." Yugyeom nuzzled the elder Omega's side.

"I love you too." Changkyun mumbled.

Jungkook and Jeongin joined the hug.

Changkyun smiled before pulling away from the Omega's holds. He gave them one last look before sighing, leaning back in his chair.

He studied the Alphas.

He weighed his options.

He had to do this. For them.
"We'll do it..."

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