Kai's Insecurities.

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Kai blocked his emotions so his Pack members couldn't feel him. He tapped his pen rapidly on the table out of frustration.

He couldn't ask anyone for help. What if they thought he was dumb for not understanding simple maths?

He was already an Omega, he couldn't make things worst by being stupid too.

This Pack had done so much for him, even enrolling him into one of the best schools in Korea for a proper education.

And how does he repay them?

By failing.

He was a failure to his family, why'd he think he would be any different to his Pack.

He wiped at his tears.

"Kai, Baby, it's time for- Baby, what's wrong?" Seungkwan walked in, panicking at the sight of the young Pup crying.

Kai whined.
Why'd someone have to see him like this?

"I'm sorry, Seungkwan-Hyung." Kai mumbled.

The elder Omega shook his head.
"C'mere. There's no need to be sorry." He said, grunting as he picked the young Omega up in his arms.

He walked them to one of the rooms, where he knew Jaebeom and Bangchan were.

The two Alphas looked up as Seungkwan entered the room. But were both quick to jump to their feet as they noticed the crying baby Pup in his arms.

"Pup, What's wrong?" Jaebeom frowned, as Bangchan ran his fingers through Kai's hair.

"It's going to be okay, tell us whats wrong." Bangchan urged.

Kai sniffled.
He really wanted Felix.

Felix gave the best hugs.
"Where's Felix-Hyung?" He mumbled.

"I'll go get him." Jaebeom said, jogging out the door.

He came back a few moments later, a worried Felix trailing behind him.

Felix whined as he ran over to the youngest.

He pulled Kai into a hug as he scented him.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Was someone mean to you? I'll beat them up."

Kai let out a small chuckle at the elder's words, but shook his head.

He sniffled again.
"No...it's just..." He side-eyed the other three in the room.

"C'mon, dinner is ready. Felix and Kai will join us when they've finished talking." Seungkwan said, pushing the two Alphas out of the room.

He gave the two younger Omegas a wink and a nod. A silent 'you're welcome'.

Felix turned back to Kai.
"What were you saying?" He urged.

Kai bit his lip, as more tears ran down his cheeks.

Felix's heart broke at the sight.

"Everyone has done so much for me. For Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu and Taehyun too. And I can't even...I'm so stupid. I can't even do simple maths." He wiped more of the tears away.

Felix whined, pulling the younger in for a tighter hug.
"You're not stupid, Kai. Don't say that."

"Everyone has helped me so much. And now I'm falling behind in school..."

"We can talk to our Hyungs about tutor-"

Kai shook his head frantically.
"No, then I'll be in even more debt with the Pack!"

"This is your Pack, Kai. You don't owe any one of us anything. We all love to help and we all love you."

Kai sniffled.
"But you've all given me so much. I could never ask for more."

"I know one of our Hyungs is really good at teaching. He home schooled me when I was too afraid to leave the house." Felix smiled.

Kai didn't know Felix was home schooled, his eyes slightly widened.
"Whose that?" He asked.

"Namjoon-Hyung!" Felix smiled brightly.
"Why don't we go eat our dinner, then afterwards we can talk to Hyung about it? I'll come with you."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

Felix gave an odd look.
"Of course I will, we're a Pack."

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