Protecting A Vulnerable Omega

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Seungcheol liked to spend one on one with his Pack members, especially the Pups.

He loved how their eyes lit up with excitement when asked how they wanted to spend their day together.

It was this day he was spending with Jisung.

The hyperactive Omega was bouncing all over the place, excited to finally check out the new theme park that just opened.

It was only an hour's drive from their home.

Seungcheol smiled fondly as he paid for their tickets.

"Hyung! Oh my G-we HAVE to go on that!" Jisung's smile and eyes were so bright, as he pointed to the park's biggest rollercoaster.

Seungcheol's stomach swooped at the thought of getting on the ride, but none the less he nodded.

After all, this day was for Jisung.

It was a couple hours later, Jisung high on sugar from all the junk food and soft drinks.

Seungcheol laughed as Jisung's mind and mouth ran quicker than the Alpha could hear.

"Oo oo I gotta pee! Hyung, hold my food!" Jisung said, shoving his opened coke can and his fairy floss into the Alpha's hands, before running to the closest toilet block.

Seungcheol laughed, sitting on the small garden wall by the toilet block, waiting for his young Pack mate to come out.

But as he sat there, he felt anxious.

He wasn't sure why.

Something told him to check on Jisung.

He stood up, going to the toilet block.

"Jisung? Are you done, buddy?"

There was no answer.


There was angry whispering as Seungcheol heard a tiny whine.

Jisung's whine.

Seungcheol growled, loud and angry.

He kicked open the only closed toilet stall.

Two young being Jisung, the other unknown.
Jisung had the other Omega pressed tightly into the corner of the toilet stall, Jisung's own body was keeping him hidden from the two strange Alphas and the Beta.

"Get the hell away from them." Seungcheol snarled, his eyes flashing red.

The Beta scrambled out of the toilets, as the two Alphas challenged Seungcheol.

"Get the fuck out of here. NOW!" Seungcheol growled.

The two snarled.
One of them pushed Seungcheol back, making the Alpha knock his head against the hand basin.

But now wasn't the time to care. He had two Omegas to protect.

The Alphas all snarled at each other.

"I'm warning you. Leave. Now!" Seungcheol ordered.

It was then two of the park's guards ran into the toilet block.

Jisung and the unknown Omega told the guards what happened, a report was made, and the two Alphas were escorted to the Security Room to wait for police.

Seungcheol sighed deeply.

Jisung barrelled into his Alpha's chest, dragging the other Omega with him.

"Bloody hell, Jisung. You scared me." He sighed, breathing in the Omega's scent.

"Hyung, your head..." Jisung pouted.

Seungcheol gave the Pup a reasurring smile.
"It'll be okay. The Betas will clean it up when we get home."

He turned his attention to the unknown Omega.
"What's your name?" He asked.

"Riki. My-my Pack will be looking for me." The boy said in a small voice.

"We better find them before they send a search party." Seungcheol joked with a smile.

He pulled the two Omegas out of the toilet block.

The three were only searching a few minutes before the young Omega called out.


Seungcheol and Jisung watched as six heads snapped towards them.

All six of them looked worried and terrified. But they all sighed with relief and ran towards them.


"Oh my God!"

Seungcheol pulled Jisung away as Riki was tackled by, who he assumed is Riki's Pack.

One of the Alpha's turned to Seungcheol and Jisung.

"I'm Heeseung, Head Alpha. This is our Youngest Alpha, Jungwon. Who are you?" He asked.

Seungcheol introduced Jisung and himself, he told the younger Alpha what had happened.

Jisung migrated over to the younger Omega, they played as the Alpha's spoke.

The Betas and only other Omega, keeping an eye on the two.

"Thank you for helping him. We...we shouldn't have let him off by himself. I feel like such an idiot...such a useless Alpha..." Heeseung whimpered.

"You're not, you're amazing. It was just an mistake." Jungwon tried to comfort his head Alpha.

Seungcheol smiled, putting a reasurring hand on the younger Alpha's shoulder.
"If you failed, so did I. I let Jisung go alone too."

Seungcheol looked over to Jisung, who was rolling on top of the younger Omega, who was in fits of giggles, even after all that had gone down that day.

"I would love to meet up some time. Jisung and Riki seem to be hitting it off."

Heeseung's eyes drifted over to the two playful Omegas. He smiled.
"Riki never takes to people so quickly."

"Well Jisung was protecting him when I found them. Had him pinned between the corner of the cubical and himself. Jisung was a wall between Riki and the enemy." Seungcheol said, his eyes never leaving his Omega.

"Here. It's Riki's number. I'm sure he would want Jisung to have it." Jungwon said, handing Seungcheol a piece of paper.

Seungcheol smiled, taking it with a 'thanks'.

"You should get that wound checked out, by the way." Jungwon said, pointing to the blood on Seungcheol's forehead.

Seungcheol smiled.
"I'll just wait till we get home."

"No, you should do it now. Here, let's all go to the Paramedics Station." Heeseung grabbed Seungcheol's arm, hoping the older Alpha doesn't pass out from bloody loss.

"Riki, Jisung, let's go." Sunghoon called to the two Omegas.

Jisung and Riki got up from the ground, grass stains on their pants and shirts as they followed the other members from their Packs.

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