Stubborn Kacchan

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Todoroki's Pov:

Bakugou literally collapses and Midoriya starts freaking outm


"MIDORIYA!" I snap at him and he stops talking.

I pick Bakugou up and bring him back to his room. I remove the bag he was wearing  before lying him down.

I start switching the wires so he wasn't attached to the canister in the bag.

"W-what is all this stuff?" I hear Midoriya question while standing in the door way.

"This is what's keeping Bakugou alive." I say while taking the canister out of the small bag to see that canister read 'empty' so I threw it away.

"Bakugou is going to be okay." I turn to face my friend.

"I-Is this from the accident you were talking about?" He asked  and I nod.

"This is all being used because of some quirk. Remember the people I asked to go see with Shinsou? One of those guys has the ability to paralyze people and let's just say Bakugou hasn't been able to move a lot without this crap." I motion to the cords and medical liquid.

"How long has be been like this?!"

"Well he was unconscious for 6 months straight and just woke up a few days ago. That's why I'm trying to get him to eat but he's being stubborn as always." I infrom with a small sigh and Midoriya starts thinking before walking out of the room. "Midoriya?" I follow him out as he grabs his keys.

"I'll be right back." He says before leaving. I understand he might bw upset but where is he going?

Midoriya's Pov:

After hearing about Bakugou's conditon I started thinking of something in the past.


"Auntie! What are you making?" I ask while tugging on Mitsuki's apron.

"Shhh~ Midoriya, we don't want to wake Katsuki up." She says while picking me up off the ground.

"Why not?" I tilt my head.

"Because I'm making Katsuki's favourite food for his birthday." She says before poking my nose.

"Is it Curry? Kacchan loves curry." I ask but she Shook her head.

"It's a special meal." she says.

End of Flashback

After remembering that I was grabbing my keys.

"I'll be right back." I tell Todoroki before walking out.

I start heading to my cop car that was right outside and car was pulling up right next to mine.

"Midobro? What are you doing here? Did something happen?" I hear Kirishima ask as he got out of his car.

"No no everything's okay, I'm just going to grab something for Kacchan." I tell him before getting in my car and driving off.

I drive for a bit till I reached a neighborhood that I knew far too well. I then parked the car and got out of the car so I could knock.

After a few minutes the door opened to reveal a really happy women.

"Izuku! It's been awhile, Come In!"

"Thanks Auntie." I smile as I enter her home. I hear her close the door before yelling up the stairs.

"MASARU! IZUKU CAME TO VISIT! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" I chuckle as the male came down to give me a hug.

I hug him back with a smile before we both broke away from each other.

"So how are you?" He asks as Mitsuki leans against Masaru's shoulder.

"I'm great...but I can't say the same for Kacchan." I start messing with my thumbs when I mention his name.

"Is he giving you problems? I'm sorry I'll get him to stop." Mitsuki starts pulling her phone out.

"He was in an accident..." I start telling them as I watch the phone hit the floor.

"Y-your telling me.... my brat was in an accident?" Mitsuki asks while looking straight into my eyes as I nod.

"I just found out that he just woke up from a coma a few days ago and that he's been unconscious for months." I start rambling.

"M-MONTHS?! AND WE DIDN'T KNOW?!" Mitsuki snaps.

"And I came here because Kacchan is being stubborn and won't eat anything! I was wondering if you could make something for him? I know he hates my cooking and that he prefers yours over everyones." A small smile cracks on her face as she nods.

"I'll make something for him, you can wait in the living room till I'm done." She says to me.

"Thank you." I give her a big smile.

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 750

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