Is Kakori all Bad?

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Third person pov:

Kakori clicked his tongue as he shocked his head.
"You've been bad, now the girl's blood is on your hands." Kakori said before walking over to the girl with a menacing smile on his face.

Bakugou watched Kakori start getting close to Monica before crouching down in front of her. Bakugou yelled at Kakori to stop but watched as the man's hand got close too weak and scared girl. He was stuck, he tried to blast his way out of the wall but couldn't angle his hands to the right spot. Suddenly Bakugou's sight grew hazy as he felt himself losing consciousness. The blond didn't know why he was suddenly getting light headed. Did he hit his head? Did Kakori do something else to him? Bakugou asked himself before passing out. 

When Kakori grabbed the girl and pulled her close he noticed something was off. He looked over at Bakugou to see his head was hung low and the blond had stopped struggling. Kakori knew the blond wouldn't just stop struggling and allow the girl to get killed, Kakori knew something was wrong. Kakori quickly shoved the girl away before making his way to Bakugou.

"Hey! What are you up to?" Kakori asked once he stood in front of the blond. Kakori got no response so he grabbed the blond's chin before tilting his head up. Kakori looked Bakugou's face over and it looked like the blond fell asleep. 

Kakori got confused on how the blond fell asleep. Kakori tries to shake the blond to see if he would wake up but got no reaction so he tried yelling.

"Hey! Wake Up! Don't fall asleep on me!" Kakori yelled but still nothing from the blond. 

Kakori notices something off with the blond and quickly undid his quirk before lying Bakugou down flat on the ground. Kakori seemed to get worried as he checked the blond's breathing and noticed it stopped. Kakori quickly checked the blond for a pulse but found none.

Immediately after finding no trace of a heartbeat he got into action. He placed his hands on the blond's chest and started pushing down a bit thirty times before pinching the blond's nose. After pinching the blond's nose he connected their lips and started doing mouth to mouth cpr before doing compressions again. 

About 5 minutes later Bakugou finally gasped, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. The blond stayed unconscious but Kakori let out a sigh of relief. Kakori was glad the blond wasn't dead and that he prevented him from dying. He was still confused on how exactly the blond died but then he remembered Hakori's quirk and its after effects.

"Damn you Hakori..." He grumbled out before picking the blond up and carrying him down to the first floor before putting him down and safe spot, after he went back up and grabbed the girl before placing her down next to Katsuki. After getting the two to a safe area he walked over to a window before kicking it, breaking the glass in the process.

Shinsou who was outside with some firefighters heard the sound of glass shattering/

"HEY! Someone just broke a window!" He shouted at a firefighter who was close by. 

Both Shinsou and the firefighter start heading to the side of the building where they see a shattered window. The two of them exchanged glances before looking into the window. Shinsou spots a man picking up a girl before walking over to the window.

"Take her, she's fine, just inhaled too much smoke." Kakori told them.

The firefighter nods before opening his arms and taking the girl from Kakori. After the firefighter had the girl safe in his arms he quickly ran over to the paramedics.

Once the firefighter left with Monica Shinsou looked back into the building to see Bakugou passed out and slump against a wall. Instantly Shinsou started asking questions.

"HEY! What happened to him?! Is he okay?! What happened?!" Shinsou asked in a panicked tone.

"Can I focus on getting him out first?" Kakori asked before walking back over to Bakugou before picking the blond back up. Once the blond was back in his arms Kakori headed to the window before placing the blond in Shinsou's arms. Instantly after Shinsou started examining the blond and noticed his breathing was slower than normal and his heartbeat was kinda slow.

"Katsuki what happened to you?!" He asked in a worried tone before looking in the window to see Kakori was gone?

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 745

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