Accepting Defeat

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Bakugou's Pov:

I ended up having to rip part of my hero suit before folding the part up a bit. After I moved to Todoroki's belt because i remembered the canisters he wears are supposed to have pain killers, disinfectants, and water. That's what Todoroki said at least.
I took off each canister off of Todoroki's belt and started to open each to see what everything was. He had a total of five canisters. One had water, another had pain killers, two had disinfectants, and the last one had a roll of bandages which was perfect.

I crawl back to Todoroki's head before pouring the disinfectants on the ripped part of my costume before dabbing it at the wound, causing Todoroki to hiss a bit from pain but I kept at it. After a minuted or two I grabbed the bandages and started wrapping it around his head and the part of my costume so it would keep cleaning his wound and to try and stop the bleeding.

Once I was done tending to the wound on his head I took a look at my leg which was just as bad but we didn't have much I could use. I decided to just use the rest of the bandages to wrap around it for pressure and to try stop the bleeding. Once I was done wrapping my leg I grabbed two pain killers before popping them into my mouth and downing them with the help from the water.

After taking care both our wounds I looked down at my satchel and decided to check it. Good thing I decided to look because the current canister supply was almost empty, it had like maybe 10 to 15 minutes left in it. I try to switch it to a full canister but my spares were both empty because they broke.

I was upset and just cried out in frustration. I only had a few minutes to get me and Todoroki unburied.

I look up around to see what I could do in my current state. I get an idea and decided to use one arm to protect Todoroki from more falling debris before setting off a blast big enough to give them an opening. I could see a little bit of light but the collapse definitely killed the power so it was pretty dark.

I began to move more rubble away from Todoroki just to be safe but then I heard something behind me and the ground shook a bit.

Out of instinct I quickly pulled Todoroki close, ready to shield him from more debris. I was afraid at this point and protecting Todoroki was my main priority. I look around quickly before moving Todoroki over to a secure area that has a little chance of caving in before going back to holding him close.

It took me a few minutes to realize but I was tearing up. Just why did I realize zi liked Todoroki this late....he might die and it's my fault...
I pulled Todoroki even closer as I started crying.

"Stupid Icy Hot...w-weren't you supposed to be the one protecting me?" I managed to say between sobs.

I looked back down at my canister and it was down to 5 minutes at least.

"If this is how I go out...just know I never truly hated's actually the opposite..." I take a deep breath before smiling down at Todoroki, tears flooding down my face. "I actually like you, I know, I have a bad way of showing it." I admitted before kissing the top of Todoroki's head before leaning back against the wall, shutting my eyes, and accepting my fate, not fighting it....

"Goodbye Kirishima, you were the bestest friend a man could ask for..."

"Goodbye Mina, Deku, and the two dipshits, keep laughing for me..."

"Goodbye Mom, dad, I'm sorry for taking you for granted...."

"Goodbye Mr. Aizawa and Best Jeanist, you will always be father figures for me...."

"And Goodbye Todoroki, I am sorry for being such a pain....."

"Are you done yet?"

Word Count: 688

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