Todoroki Finds Out

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Third Person Pov:

Todoroki was currently busy on a mission when he suddenly got a call. Todoroki was currently with EraserHead and Jirou. When Todoroki's phone rang he decided to look at the contact to see it was Shinsou calling him. Shinsou was home with Bakugou and Kaminari so he got a little worried so he answered the call as he walked next to the other two heroes.

"Shinsou? What's the matter?" Todoroki asked.

"Hey, just to let you know if you get home me a-" Shinsou started but then the call suddenly cut out. 

Todoroki pauses in his tracks while looking at his phone to see the call was dismissed and canceled by Shinsou. Maybe he accidentally hit cancel? Todoroki thought before trying to call Shinsou but his call didn't go through.

"Shoto?" Jirou asked while looking over at him.

"Hmm?" Todoroki asked and noticed Mr. Aizawa and Jirou both stopped to look at him.

"What did Shinsou want?" Aizawa asked and Todoroki shrugged.

"I don't know, the call was canceled..." Todoroki told Mr. Aizawa before Jirou stole their attention.

"Guys! I can hear some cries and someone in a building up ahead causing problems." Jirou told them.

The other two went quiet as they quietly snuck into the building. The building they were in was a tall office building and it was too quiet for comfort. The three of them went into a quiet and empty room before having Jirou use her quirk to listen to everything in the building.

"Help!" She hears a woman cry out before hearing the sound of someone getting smacked.

"Shut up and hold still so I can tie you up like the others!" A female voice snapped.

Jirou looks at the other two and lifts up three fingers to signal she was hearing something from the third floor Before holding up 10 fingers to signal there were 10 people on the third floor before putting 9 fingers down and leaving one up to show there was one not a hostage. EraserHead and Todoroki both get the signal she gave them before all three of them quietly walked up some stairs to the third floor

When they reached the third floor they took a small glance and looked over the floor to see 9 people tied up and on the ground around the room and one person standing up. It was a female on the phone so she didn't notice the pros. 

Aizawa tapped Todoroki's shoulder and signaled he was going to use his scarf to grab the girl and he wanted Todoroki to freeze her hands and feet right after.
After telling Todoroki what to do he looked over at Jirou and signaled he wanted her to attend to the hostages once the villain was unable to move.

After making sure they knew the plan EraserHead used his scarf to grab the woman and make it hard for her to move before Todoroki ran up and froze her hands together before freezing her feet to the floor.

"W-wha?! PROS?!" She shouted while trying to break free of their restraints but failed. She growls when she found out her struggling wasn't helping.

Jirou starts taking care of the hostages and leads them out of the building before calling the cops to come get the villain. After Jirou's call she heard someone try and sneak up behind her so she quickly grabbed their arm and was about to throw them over her shoulder but used used their other hand and grabbed her by the neck.

"Try to struggle and I will snap your little neck." A male voice threatened while keeping her close and walking inside with her.

While Aizawa and Todoroki took care of the girl they heard footsteps coming up the stairs so they assumed it was Jirou returning to tell them she made the call and that the police were on their way.

"Let my comrade go or I kill yours!" The male holding Jirou hostage threatened, gaining both Shoto and Shota's attention. "I'm not bluffing!" The man said before tightening his grip on Jirou's neck, making her wince in pain.

Both EraserHead and Todoroki glare at the male holding Jirou as a hostage. The two of them both grumbled in protest as they freed the female villain. Once the male's companion was freed he shoved Jirou away and over to the heroes before dropping some kind of smoke bomb before getting away.

"Darn it! They got away, I'm sorry guys..." Jirou apologized but Mr. Aizawa looked over at her and shook his head.

"No, it's not your fault. We'll get them one day. As of right now? I'm just glad no one was really hurt." EraserHead said before patting Jirou's head, helping her calm down.

Todoroki was about to say something but then he got a text from Kirishima. Todoroki opens his chat with Kirishima to see a link. Todoroki looks at it confused since Kirishima didn't say what the link was for. Todoroki shrugs before opening the link. Once the link was open he noticed it was a link for a news channel so he turned up the volume to hear a lady start speaking about a building on the other side of town that was originally on fire but was put out by some firefighters.
After the lady showed the building the camera moved over to woman and a man who were hugging what looked like their daughter.
The man sees the camera was pointed at them and he decided to walked over to the news anchor who asked for his name.

"My name is Ilano." He answered before taking the mic from the lady. "This is my wife Maiano and my daughter Monica." He said while looking over at his family before looking back at the camera. "My daughter was stuck in the building while it was on fire. A young man ran into the building, risking his life for my daughter, he was just a stranger walking by but he was willing to risk his life just to save my daughter. I'm so happy to know that he is actually the pro hero Dynamite." The man said.

Todoroki's eyes widened when the man said Bakugou's hero name. Mr. Aizawa and Jirou walked over and looked at the phone before the camera shifted to an ambulance where paramedics were loading Bakugou on to a stretcher. When Todoroki saw Bakugou he got really worried. He could see Shinsou and he could tell something was wrong by seeing how worried Shinsou was. 

"Pro Hero Dynamite saved my daughter, me and my family will be praying for him to be okay."
The man said before the camera was cut out.After finishing the video Todoroki noticed that this news video was from an hour ago. Todoroki starts running off to his car while calling Shinsou.

"What hospital is Bakugou in?!"

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 1123

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