Losing Hope

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Third Person Pov:

The five young pro heroes ventured out into the destroyed building. To cover more ground they split up. The groups were Mina with Kirishima, Denki with Shinsou, and Momo went with Best Jeanist. Mina and Kirishima tried to think like Bakugou and Todoroki. Knowing Bakugou he'd follow the villain no matter how bad the situation was.


"Yes hun?" Kirishima asked while turning his attention towards her.

"What if we can't find them...." Mina asks and Kirishima let out a small sigh before comforting his lover.

"There's a chance we can't, but I won't stop searching till my arms fall off." Kirishima declared before hardening his arms so that way he could punch an opening through a wall of fallen debris in front of them.
After making an opening they heard someone cry out for help. Both Kirishima and Mina shared looks before looking for the stranded hero or civilian. 
Mina spots a waving arm in the distance before quickly but safely making her way over to them.

"Don't worry Ma'am! We are here to get you out safely!" Mina told the lady she found.

"Help! I can't feel my leg! It's stuck!" The frightened lady cried out.

"It's alright Ma'am, I need you to keep your voice down and stay calm please. This area isn't safe, it could collapse again." Kirishima warned as he got in position to lift a huge chunk of debris. "Alright Pinky, get ready to pull her out." Kirishima said.

"I'm ready!" Mina replied after crouching down and getting ready. 

"Alright! Here we go!" Kirishima starts to lift the debris and once it was high enough Mina quickly swooped up the lady but made sure she was gentle. 

"Alright Red Riot! She's Free!" Mina told her lover before carrying the woman out of the building. Kirishima dropped the debris and was following Mina but heard another person cry out for help.

"Mina get her out to paramedics, i'm going to help this guy."

"What?! Shouldn't you wait for me?" Mina asked in worried tone.

"If we wait too long this person could either bleed out or be crushed to death, I must save them." Kirishima declared.

"Just, be careful please." Mina said before leaving her lover behind.

Denki and Shinsou ended up wandering deep into the building, they haven't come across anyone so it's made them quite nervous and doubtful. Denki was holding onto Shinsou's hand as they walked. He was frightened, the building was still making unpleasant sounds. He was worried they would get stuck or injured.
Shinsou lets out a small sigh before turning to face Denki.

"Hey, it's going to be alright, we're going to find them and we are ALL going to make it out." Shinsou promised to Denki which brought a small smile to their faces.

"We better!" Denki replies before hearing the sound of rocks shift. Denki jumps a bit while looking around frantically. The blond ends up spotting a human figure approaching them. "Excuse me? Are you hurt?" Denki asked while making his way over to them but was quickly pulled back by Shinsou's scarf. "H-Hey! What was that for?" Denki asked but went quiet when he saw Shinsou glaring at the man that had approached him.

"I remember you." Shinsou said.

"What do you mean Shinsou? Who's that?"

"One of Bakugou's attackers." Shinsou told Denki who stared in horror before his expression changed to a more angered one.

"Well well well, if it isn't the purple guy that was the dual-haired hero. I remember when you two came to our cell and how your friend assaulted mine. My friend deserved it but it's a shame how his story ended~" Kakori chuckled out being attacked by lightning 

"What did you just say?!" Denki shouted out.

"What? Are you deaf or just slow in the head. I said he's dead." Kakori cackled a bit before being attacked by Shinsou's scarf this time.

"What did you do to them!" Both Denki and Shinsou shouted together but instead of being able to interrogate Kakori he made more of the floor under him open up so he could escape but it made the area around the two heroes unstable.

"S-Shinsou!" Kaminari cried out as the floor above them started to rain down. Shinsou grabbed Denki and was unsure of what to do, neither of their quirks were helpful when it came to shielding themselves.
Out of nowhere they were pushed down to the ground by someone.

"K-Kirishima?!" Shinsou said while staring up at the redhead head who had fully hardened and was protecting them.
Once the ceiling finally stopped caving in Kirishima dug them away out before checking on his friends.

"Are you guys alright? What happened?" He asked while helping the two off the ground.

"We were approached by a stranger who Shinsou said was a villain." Kaminari started as a few tears stained his face. "T-The villain said T-Todoroki was dead." Kaminari relayed what he was told.

"I won't believe it. They are fine!" Kirishima declared before walking down the hall where Kakori came from.

As he ventured deeper into the building he was accompanied by Shinsou and Kaminari since they didn't want to send him alone. As they ventured on and on they were starting to lose hope and the deeper they were, the darker it got. They also noticed there was hardly any air down there. 

"Kirishima, let's go back up and take a quick break...we don't want to all get stuck down here and pass out from no air." Shinsou recommended but was ignored by the red head."Please Kirishima."

"I'm not stopping, you guys can leave but I won't." Kirishima replied. Shinsou was about to argue but Kaminari interrupted him before he could.

"Look! There's another one of those holes Kakori made to get out!." Kaminari points out before running over to the hole. Once at the entrance of the hole he used his finger to make a little light and that's when he spotted his two friends.


End Of Chapter
Word Count: 977

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