What Mission?!

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Third Person Pov:

"Now that you four are here we can begin our mission. Do you all remember your tasks?" Endeavor asked once the missing four finally joined the main group. Before Bakugou could say no everyone else said yes.

Bakugou looked around a little frantic and confused before spotting Todoroki signaling Bakugou to follow him. Bakugou just walked over to the dual haired hero casually before Todoroki leaned down and started whispering into the blond's ear.

"Did your nap cause you to forget what's going on?" Todoroki asked before the blond nodded. "You are supposed to go with Mr. Aizawa and Midoriya, now get going before they leave without you." Todoroki told Bakugou before walking off and following Endeavor. 

Bakugou looked over at Deku and Mr. Aizawa and quietly started following them. He follows them into a tower-like building. Once in the building Mr. Aizawa signaled no talking before receiving a nod from both Midoriya and Bakugou who followed Mr. Aizawa's lead. As the three heroes crept through the building quietly Bakugou started hearing of something coming their way and fast. Bakugou acts fast and shoves both Deku and EraserHead into the room next door as some giant boulder goes zooming past them.

Mr. Aizawa was shocked and Deku was confused at first but when they saw the boulder they quietly thanked Bakugou before noticing another boulder come and block their way out.

"Crap, help me push the boulder." Eraserhead said as he ran over to the boulder and started pushing. Deku and Bakugou both start pushing with Mr. Aizawa but it wouldn't budge.

"No no no! We have to get out of here!" Deku said frantically as Mr. Aizawa started thinking of a way to get them out. Mr. Aizawa has Bakugou try using one of his little grenades but it still didn't work.

Mr. Aizawa sighs before clicking the mic he had and starts reporting back to the other teams. 
"Team A is stuck, Team B it's your turn."

Bakugou feels like it's his fault that they were stuck. Bakugou gets mad at himself and starts kicking a few things on the floor close to him. Mr. Aizawa and Deku both let him since they didn't want to upset the blond more. As the blond kicked another thing he noticed a vent on the wall.

"Deku, let's go" Bakugou said while walking over to the vent and opening it up for them. "It looks big enough for us to crawl in." Bakugou told the greenette that was now standing behind him and understanding what Bakugou was saying.

"Alright you two, be careful" Aizawa told them before Bakugou started picking up Deku and helping him get up to the vent. Once the greenette was in the vent Mr. Aizawa started helping Bakugou up. 

Bakugou takes one look back at Mr. Aizawa and he just gave him a nod before closing the vent. When Bakugou looked over at Deku they both nodded before beginning their journey through the vent. As the two crawled they reached an intersection.

"Which way should we go Kacchan?" Deku asked

"You go left, I'll go right." Bakugou said, causing the greenette to look back.

"Split up?!" Deku asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, it'll make it easier for us to find our target." Bakugou said before pushing Deku into the left side before going to the right.

Deku just obeys before crawling away from Kacchan and finding himself in the power room. Midoriya looks around quietly before crawling out of the vent. Once out he started dusting himself off a bit but then heard a chuckle behind him. Deku went to turn around but was stopped by someone kicking the back of his leg, causing him to drop to the ground a bit before having his mouth covered.

"Well well well, if it isn't little Deku." A man said. Deku tries to look at the man holding him and sees it was their target. Their target's name was Aiyumi Kosuke. He was supposed to have the same quirk as AFO so Midoriya quickly headbutted the man causing Aiyumi to loosen his grasp.

"Gah! REALLY?!" Aiyumi snapped as Midoriya quickly got up and started quickly getting away. Aiyumi started chasing Deku down some halls till the greenette accidentally ran into a dead end. "Ah yes, Izuku Midoriya, All Might's successor." Aiyumi said while trapping the greenette. When Midoriya heard what the villain said he turned around and faced the villain. "Ooo, so that got your attention? Good. I'm so happy they brought you on this mission. You have something I want and something I want now." Aiyumi said while watching Deku get in a fighting stance.

"What do you want from m-?" Deku starts but trails off when he sees himself moving close to Aiyumi.

"You'll see, just follow me." Aiyumi said and Midoriya was forced to follow. 

While Bakugou was in the vent he was trying to figure out what was going on, who their target was, and why exactly he is on this mission. When Bakugou found the exit to the vent he saw a man holding Deku by his face and something being emitted from the greenette start to get absorbed by someone. Bakugou acts fast and tackles the Aiyumi could finish stealing Deku's quirk.

"Deku?! What the hell was that?!" Bakugou asked but before he could get an answer he noticed the man he was sitting on was pissed. Without Aiyumi knowing he accidentally started using the quirk he stole which was black whip. When Aiyumi used the quirk he threw Bakugou off of him, causing the blond to hit his back on the wall before sliding down the wall.

"KACCHAN!" Midoriya yelled before running over to Bakugou who was holding his stomach,

"DEKU! WATCH OUT!" Bakugou warned the greenette.

Before Midoriya could move he was hit by black whip before being grabbed by the ankle and being pulled back to Aiyumi who started stealing more quirks from the greenette, He steals two more from Midoriya before he was blasted by Bakugou. 

"K-Kacchan!" Deku cried out while Bakugou quickly stole the greenette from the villain before shielding Deku behind his back. "Kacchan are you okay?" Deku asked.

"Do you really think a weak attack from this guy would kill me?!" Bakugou snapped before blasting the villain. "Now get out of here! He seems to be interested in you so I'll keep him here as long as I can!" Bakugou said, not giving Deku a choice.

Bakugou continues to protect Deku as he managed to get away. Bakugou started running towards the Villain before hitting him in the face with a blast. After Aiyumi was hit he used black whip to grab Bakugou's ankle before swinging the blond around roughly before throwing him in the direction Midoriya went.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA YOU BETTER COME OUT OR I WILL KILL YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND!" Aiyumi snapped while walking over to Bakugou who was slowly getting up but he was shaking a bit and needed to use a wall to help him up. "ONE!" The man shouted while Bakugou tried to blast the villain away.

"TWO!" Aiyumi said before grabbing Bakugou's wrist and pulling him close with a menacing grin.


"STOP! Don't hurt him!" Deku shouted while coming out of his hiding spot.

"Deku! I told you to run!" Bakugou snapped at the greenetted before getting shoved into a desk by Aiyumi who quickly grabbed Deku.

Midoriya doesn't struggle, he was afraid of the villain hurting Bakugou more if he tried to struggle so the greenette just behaved. When Aiyumi stole OFA completely he started laughing.

"Yes! One for All is mine!" Aiyumi cheered before slamming Deku's head into a wall, knocking him out.

Bakugou watched the man steal Midoriya's quirk, the blond couldn't just let the villain escape, he stole One For All! He won't let anyone get away with stealing All Might's quirk. Bakugou forces himself up before pouncing at Aiyumi, grabbing the villain and putting him in a choke hold. Bakugou let the villain claw at his arms but he never loosened his grip. He kept his tight hold as he watched the villain slowly stop moving. When Bakugou realized he killed Aiyumi he got a little nervous but focused on Deku first.

When Bakugou started shaking Deku he noticed he wasn't waking up, the greenette was unconscious. Even though Bakugou knew the greenette was unconscious he tried shaking and yelling at Deku to wake up.

"DEKU! WAKE UP!" Bakugou shouted before sitting up. Bakugou was screaming as he started pulling medical wires off his body before hunching over and closing his eyes. After closing his eyes he started pulling at his hair before someone started lying the blond down as someone else started putting the medical equipment back.
When Bakugou opened his eyes he saw Shinsou holding him down and Todoroki was putting back the cords. Both of them looked startled and worried as they looked at the blond.

"W-where Am I?! How'd I get here!? Where did-!" Bakugou shouts before going quiet, realizing the whole mission was just a memory.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 1488

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