Jealous Roki

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Third Person Pov:

After finally getting Bakugou inside, Kirishima got him to eat some breakfast and rest on the couch with him. Kirishima stayed on the couch for a few hours. It started off with Bakugou watching some movies but after 3 hours of just watching TV, Bakugou fell asleep on Kirishima. Kirishima was happy when Bakugou fell asleep and he was happy that Bakugou was being cooperative and taking today to rest.

Kirishima was thinking about having Bakugou start 'physical therapy' by doing some sit ups and push ups first before migrating to my punching bag. I mean, it's a start at least.

When Todoroki finally came back downstairs he spotted Kirishima and Bakugou on the couch together. The dual haired hero felt a little sting in his chest and was getting a little mad but he didn't show it. Todoroki knew what he was feeling, he had the same feeling back when they were second years. 

Basically back then, he felt the same exact feeling when Kaminari, Kirishima, or Sero was too close to Bakugou. Sero was the only one he really wanted to separate from the blond since the ravenette would either be playing with Bakugou's hair, Bakugou's sat in Sero's lap when ever he was with us on movie nights, and the times they would talk a little bit when class was in session.

Todoroki was jealous when any guy other than himself was able to get close with Bakugou. He didn't care when any girls were close, just guys. To this day Todoroki still gets jealous of any guy too close to Bakugou. He wanted to shove Kirishima off the couch and take his spot but Todoroki didn't, he just went to the kitchen to make some soba.
When Kirishima heard someone in the kitchen he tilted his head back and saw Todoroki.

"Hey Todoroki." Kirishima greeted in a soft tone, not wanting to wake the blond. 

"Hello Kirishima, how's Bakugou?" Todoroki responded before just focusing on making his snack.

"He's fine. I was thinking of starting Bakugou on some physical training here at the house so he ain't as bored." Kirishima told Todoroki who seemed against the idea but didn't say no to the idea.

"Do you think Bakugou will be able to start that?" Todoroki asked.

"Yes, I believe Bakugou will be fine, we just got to trust him, alright? Don't just get upset with him for working hard, try and understand from his point of view and help give him pointers to work on next time." Kirishima advised Todoroki. Todoroki just looked back at his soba, staying silent for a few seconds. After half a minute he looked back at Kirishima and finally agreed to be helpful rather than bossy.

"Do what you like, just make sure he doesn't over do it." Todoroki said  before taking his soba and walking back upstairs. Todoroki sighs as he walked upstairs. Once back in his room he just leaned against the door.

"I shouldn't be jealous of long as Bakugou is happy.."

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 502

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