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-Sunday, 1995-

She'd never been in love before and it was a glorious feeling. She felt like she could touch the clouds. She'd never been this happy and content. She sat on the couch in their cottage, humming. Her dad was at work and her mom was baking. "Hazel dear, come help me ice these!"

She rose to her feet and went into the kitchen to help. Her mum was standing over the cupcakes, looking content. She looked up and smiled, beckoning her over. "I don't want to frost cupcakes." Hazel grumbled and her mom laughed.

"So, hows that boy of yours doing? Fred?" Her mom asked nonchalantly and Hazel felt her face grow hot.

"He's fine." She answered quickly and her mom raised an eyebrow. "We aren't dating mum. Don't make it awkward." She added.

"Well... since you're becoming interested in guys, I feel like it's time." Her mom wiped her hands and patted the stool beside her. Hazel warily sat down.

"The talk?"

"Yes. When you like a guy, hormones get involved and sex happens." Her mom said gently and Hazel clapped her hands over her ears.

"Mum!" She shrieked. "Mum no!"

"Hazel! Uncover your ears. I just want you to be safe, that's all. Accidents can happen. I know you're only fourteen but I need to make sure nothing happens."

Hazel began to back away. "Mum it's not like that! It's not! He's a gentleman and just— no! Ugh!" She ran away up the stairs to her room.

Lav came over, knocking on her door frame. "Mum had the talk with you too?" She giggled and Hazel groaned at the memory.

"She tried. I ran away." Hazel mumbled and Lavender sat down, grinning.

"She's just trying to make sure you don't end up like grandma, pregnant out of wedlock." Lavender answered and Hazel shrugged. "Especially with Fred Weasley's baby!"

They both erupted into laughter but she couldn't help but wonder. And then she immediately banished the thought.

January 1st,

The night you kissed me,


I was so addicted

So young and in love

He won't ever be you,

Won't ever feel that hole in me you left

But he's nice company to keep, Freddie

Hazel stood at the platform, feeling out of place. Winter was in her arms, purring. Her eyes flitted around anxiously as she looked for Draco and unease swept through her. Maybe he was blowing her off. Maybe he was going to make a fool out of her. Maybe he was just messing with her. Maybe— "Brown!"

Her head snapped to the side and she saw Draco walking towards her, his hands buried in the pockets of the trench coat he was wearing. A green scarf was wrapped around his neck and his hair looked damp but crisp, as if it had just frozen. Something inside her twisted at the sight of him and she blinked in confusion. His trunk was trailing after him and she exhaled slightly, allowing some anxiety to leave her. "Draco." She greeted and he let a small smile show but she could tell how tense he was. "What's the matter?"

His eyes wouldn't meet hers, they were looking anywhere else but at her. She felt a spark of anxiety and tried to calm her thoughts. "They're going to treat me like filth the moment we get off that train." He spat through his teeth and her eyebrows rose. "I don't want you to be a part of it. This was a dumb idea, inviting you over."

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