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-Friday, 1994-

"Do you think he did it?" Lavender asked Hazel as they both sat in the Astronomy tower, eating the baked good their parents had sent. "Granger and Weasley are angry with him."

"Of course he did. He's Harry fucking Potter. As long as Dumbledore favors him he can get away with whatever he wants!" She mumbled around a mouthful of muffin. Lavender began to giggle and punched her.

"Mum always said don't talk with your mouth full! It's bad manners." She lightly scolded, taking another bite.

Hazel looked around herself dramatically as she swallowed. "Do you see her? Hm? Mum! Mum are you here?" She picked up the plastic container, looking under it. Lavender had begun to laugh louder. "Hello? Mum?" She set it down and took another big bite. She shrugged. "I don't see her." She mumbled again as crumbs fell out of her mouth. Lavender was on her side, trying to stifle her laugh. Hazel smiled at her, unable to help a giggle escape as well.

"So uh, I heard from a birdie that you and Fred have gotten pretty close hm?" Lavender wiggled her eyebrows. "You got a thing for gingers?"

Hazel felt her face turn bright red. "No. He offered to help tutor me and that's all." She lied and Lavender reached over to shove her.

"Don't lie to me Haz! I can see your face turning red!" She laughed, rolling her eyes. "He's pretty cute huh? Maybe I should ask George to tutor me." She teased and Hazel smacked her.

"Oh come on Lav, trust me. He isn't interested. I'm younger. He's way out of my league anyways." She grumbled and Lavender scooted over so she was leaning against Hazel.

"You can lie all you want, Haz but I know you have a thing for him. Whenever he talks to you, you get all moony-eyed." Lavender sighed as she grabbed one of the cookies. "Makes me jealous."

This surprised her. "Jealous? Why?" She adjusted and Lavender rested her head in her lap. She started to run her fingers through her hair.

"I feel like I'm not pretty enough. Good enough." Her sister whispered and Hazel shook her head.

"You're beautiful. We're beautiful. We have the same fucking face for crying out loud!" She traced Lavender's nose. "Calling yourself ugly is calling me ugly. Don't do that." She added. "Be confident. Confidence is attractive."

Lavender frowned, looking up at her. "I wish I was like you. You know your place. I don't."

"You'll figure it out, give it time." Hazel tried to soothe her.

"You've known from the start where you were, what your place is in this world. I wish I was like that. I wish I was as confident as you are."

Hazel shrugged. "I just don't really question myself. If I do, I make sure to keep it to myself."

Lavender looked at her, tilting her head. "I guess I'll see you at the first Task. I have to get to bed, the twins want to go ogle at the Drumstrang boys." She giggled.

Hazel smiled as Lavender sat up. "Maybe you can snag one of them. They're all pretty fucking hot." She tried to help and her sister smiled, leaning over to hug her.

"You always make me feel better. Tell me how it goes with Fred, I want to know every detail!"

They departed, the Astronomy tower going quiet again.

May 2nd,

You're a shit sister

A shit twin

For leaving me like this

Leaving me alone

Shoving me into this cage

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