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-Saturday, 1991-

Hazel and Luna lay stretched on the couches, Luna with her nose in a book and Hazel studying charms. She'd met Harry Potter once, instantly formed a crush on him, realized he was kind of a dimwit and lost interest.

Her sister had instantly became a trio with the Patil twins. It hurt, not having her sister around constantly. They bickered a lot but Hazel looked to Lav for moral support. She hadn't really given much thought to how being in different houses would affect their relationship. She'd been so eager for distance, for independence, that she'd forgotten how much she truly relied on her twin.

And she was jealous. The Patil twins were everything she wasn't. They were gossipy, pretty and more social than Hazel ever was. It was a wonder that Lav had been drawn to them. She was jealous that they seemed to be taking her place; jealous that Lav only gave her a small smile when they passed in the halls. Jealous that Lav was everything she wasn't.

It took her a few days before she figured out that Luna liked girls. And boys. It hadn't been much of a shock, she'd always known that she was a little bit different. But her shock came when Luna informed her that she fancied Isabelle Fitznicks, a girl in their year. But from the way Isabelle acted around boys, Hazel was sure that the girl only liked boys. However, Luna simply insisted that it was all an extravagant act. "Did you see the way Harry looks at you?" Luna asked suddenly,

"Harry's only got eyes for that Granger girl." She replied, ignoring the way her stomach twisted strangely at the thought of Harry fancying her.

Luna never lifted her eyes from her book as she flipped the page. "He's been looking at you more often."

Hazel finally looked up, raising her eyebrows. "You're sure?"

"Mhm. Almost walked into a door because he was drooling over you." A small smile graced Luna's lips.

"What should I do?"

Luna looked up at her finally, placing her book to the side as she neatly folded her hands into her lap. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Luna inhaled deeply, closed her eyes and said. "That's a good question."


May 2nd,

The space in my heart,

That my sister once filled,

Was empty and replaced with too many things




But mostly, guilt.

I was guilty.

Hazel stood in the courtyard, the cold seeping through her clothes. It was pouring but she didn't care. The steady pattering of the rain against the concrete was lost to the pounding in her head. She could feel the water droplets dripping down her back, soaking into her skin but she didn't care. Her eyes were glued to the place she'd found her sister.

They'd obviously cleaned the bloodstain as there was no hint that someone had died there. But she knew; she knew exactly what angle her sister was, where her hands had been, how her hair had been sprawled around her head like a sick halo joke.

It came to her knowledge that she knew she was going to be late for her next class but she didn't care; not in that moment. Hadn't the ministry stopped to think of the consequences of sending them back? Sending them back to the place where they'd watched their family and friends die?

Hazel blinked, feeling herself shivering in the cold. The rain began to tint before exploding in red. She slowly lowered her gaze to her hands as she brought them up to her face. They were covered in blood. She blinked as she felt the hot liquid encase her body, running down her legs and arms. She looked up, seeing the courtyard filling up with dark red blood. Her heart was racing. Attempted to scream but her throat had closed up. Her hands were clammy and cold and she tried to move. Her feet seemed grounded in place, refusing to move. Her sister's body began to float from the amount of blood in the courtyard, slowly moving towards her. Chills ran up her arms, up her spine, goosebumps rippling up and down her body. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she stared in horror. Please no. Please. Get away.

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