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-Monday, 1996-

Hazel and Lav were sitting by each other, "studying" for Charms. Their meetings had come to a halt, out of fear of Snape and his scary professors. Harry hadn't returned for the new year, and whispers spread about where he was, what he was doing. Luna said that she thought he was looking for something, but what? Lav liked to say he was gathering a resistance, the oncoming War looming over their heads.

Hazel didn't know what to think, and she didn't really care, she just hoped he was smart and had run. She couldn't blame him, she would run too.

"Have you heard from Fred?" Lav whispered and Hazel shook her head. Letters from Fred were becoming increasingly few and far between. It worried her but she knew he had his reasons.

"Have mum and dad decided if we will run?" Hazel answered and Lav shook her head.

Their parents were terrified, and had told the girls the Ministry was now calling forth old rebels, finding mysterious charges against them. They knew it was only a matter of time before their parents' names appeared.

"I'm scared, Haz." Lav admitted, her voice small. "What will we do?"

Hazel felt fiercely protective of her twin and she reached over to squeeze her hand tightly. "Nothing will happen to you, or mum and dad." She swore, meeting her gaze. "We stick together, always. No matter what happens." She promised and Lav nodded, blinking back her tears.

Hazel looked down at her schoolwork, which seemed so insignificant. So pointless. So useless. Her hands began to tremble slightly as she thought of the danger they faced. The war was coming. The war was inescapable. If Harry died, if He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named won, their world would be doomed. This she knew, this she feared.

Christmas break was drawing close. She wanted to go home, not be here. She wanted to see Fred, feel his skin, hear his soothing words.

Most of all, she wished the Dark Lord would die.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm sorry for taking your love and throwing it out the window.

You loved me, in beautiful ways.

You were everything I'd dreamed of in a boyfriend, a husband.

I used to imagine we'd have lots of boys, just like your parents.

Little redheads who created mischief.

I dreamed of marrying you.

You said if we lived, you would marry me. I didn't think, not once, that you would... that you'd be gone.

I didn't think that I would outlive you.

I hate myself Freddie, I hate my reflection, I truly hate everything about me. I feel as if my body isn't my own anymore. I'm sure Georgie understands my pain.

I wish, I wish I could hear you one last time, I wish I could feel your hug, I wish I could see you again. I miss you terribly.

Hazel laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling of her bed. She needed to sleep but her journal lay beside her, her eyes wet with tears. It was a terrible ache in her chest, a roading in her ears, that Fred was gone. Fred was gone.

She stood, swallowing hard she felt her stomach heaving. She hurried away, careful not to wake her roommates. She didn't want to bother Luna, who slept as awful as she did, especially on the nights that she was plagued with nightmares. She hurried down the steps, out of the common room, into the halls. They were dark but the moon was high so she was able to fumble her way down the halls.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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