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-Sunday, 1995-

Luna was shaking beside her. How she'd gotten roped into this fucked mess, she had to blame Luna. Harry was so certain his vision was real, so certain that his godfather was being tortured. But here they were, surrounded by death eaters and Sirius Black nowhere to be found. What had Luna been thinking, blindly following Potter to their certain deaths? None of them were skilled enough to take on these older wizards and witches. She wished Fred and Lav were here with her. A cackling laugh filled the air and she whipped her head around in that direction, her heart hammering loudly in her chest. She saw Neville pale instantly and guessed who it was a second before her voice rang out. "He knows how to play!"

A woman with wild black hair and crazy eyes appeared behind Lucius Malfoy, smiling maliciously. She was obviously taunting Harry. "Luna–" Hazel began to whisper.

"Itty...bitty...baby...Potter." Bellatrix hissed and shivers rolled down her spine at her tone. This was a witch not to be fucked with, she knew that right away.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." Neville called out in a shaky voice. But she could tell he was trying to be brave. She wanted to run away from all of this. She was not apart of the potter gang and she wanted to cuss Lulu out for dragging her along on this mission that would surely get them expelled, or killed. Most likely murdered.

The woman smiled crookedly at him, her black eyes shining brightly. "Neville Longbottom is it? How's mum and dad?" She smirked and Neville let out a roar, starting to charge at her.

Hazel and Luna latched onto him, holding him back. "You're a fucking bitch." Hazel snarled and Bellatrix blinked at her, tilting her head as her hair fell into her face.

"You're new." She breathed softly and amusement flashed in her eyes. "Little bit mouthy are we?"

"Enough!" Lucious barked and stared at Harry, holding out his hand. "Give me the prophecy, Potter and no one will be harmed."

"Bullshit." Hazel snapped and Lucious regarded her coldly. "You'll kill us the first chance you fucking get!"

The others tensed at her words and a flash of anger crossed Lucius's face. But he turned his gaze away from her back to Harry and began to approach them, using a gentle tone as he got closer. Hazel knew they weren't going to get out of this one without a fight and she closed her eyes, envisioning Lav's face as she prepared herself for the possibility of her own death.

January 1st,

I fucking miss you so much

I have so much to tell you.

I wish I could hear your voice again, feel your touch. I took so much for granted with you, Lav. I regret it so much. I should've hugged you tighter, should've insisted that you come with me. I should've never left you alone. You died alone. You fucking died alone.

I'm scared to die alone.

It was a cold office. She blinked as she looked around her. A grisly wizard sat behind a desk, writing something. With a whoosh, Draco appeared behind her. "Names?" The wizard asked rudely, still writing.

"Draco Malfoy."

At his name, the wizard looked up sharply, a sneer on his face. "Come to scope out your future home, boy?" He cackled and his eyes landed on Hazel. "What's a pretty little thing like you doing with the likes of him?"

Draco bristled but her own temper sparked. "We're here to see his parents." She growled out between her clenched teeth.

At her tone, the wizard curled his lip. "Name?" He barked back.

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now