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-Sunday, 1992-

The family stood at the platform, hugging each other. Hazel stared at Lav, frowning. Winter was laying down at their feet, licking his paws. I promise Saturday will be our day, okay? I already told Padma and Parvati."

"I thought we agreed on Sundays!" Hazel protested, frowning.

Lavender sighed, glancing once up at their parents. "I already told you, Sunday's are my time with the twins. Besides, what's it matter what day?"

She was right. Hazel scowled but a nudge from her mom caused her to nod in agreement. "Okay, fine. Yeah." She mumbled. Lavender's face brightened and she hugged Hazel tightly. "I love you." She murmured and she smiled, leaning back.

"I love you too, Haz. I'll see you! Bye mum! Bye daddy!" She hugged their parents as well before she skipped off to the twins, who were waiting for her. They all began to whisper and boarded the train together. Hazel watched her go, unable to help the sparks of jealousy.

Her dad placed a hand on her shoulder. "Different friends." He murmured and she nodded, sighing. She couldn't force Lav to like Luna.

"Hey! Hazel!" A delicate voice called and she looked up to see Luna with her dad, both of them watching. Her dad straightened up and the air grew thick with tension. She never learned why her dad disliked Mr. Lovegood so much. She turned to give them both hugs, grabbing her trunk.

"I'll write to you!" She yelled over her shoulder as she ran to Luna. Her parents waved before they turned to leave. "Hey LuLu! How was your summer?" Hazel asked, waving once to Mr. Lovegood as they both headed for the train.

They went back to the compartment that they sat in last year. Winter purred as he greeted Luna and after they heaved their trunks up top, they both sat. "Oh it was fine. The usual. Daddy found a new kind of Spinksburts. It was very interesting."

Movement caught their gaze and they both turned to see a chubby boy with a toad. He slid the door open, seeming embarrassed. "Er, hi. Mind if I sit with you? The other seats are taken." He stuttered and she opened her mouth to tell him so were theirs but Luna beat her.

"Of course you can. I'm Luna, she's Hazel." Luna hummed as she moved over. The boy placed his trunk with theirs and sat down, seeming nervous. Hazel stared, frowning.

He caught her gaze and turned bright red. "Oh um sorry I'm Neville Longbottom."

A giggle escaped her lips and Luna shot her a look. She quieted down, noticing how the boy seemed to cave in on himself. "Pleasure to meet you." She mumbled and Luna nodded.

He stared at her, his brows furrowing. "I thought your name was Lavender?" He asked. "Aren't you in my house?"

Now Luna and Hazel both giggled. "That's my twin."

Neville looked lost, glancing around. "Oh I knew that." He mumbled and Hazel smiled at him.

"It happens a lot, it's okay."

Neville smiled shyly at both of them. "So you're both in Ravenclaw?"

She watched as Winter climbed up into Neville's lap, glanced at the frog before he settled down, purring loudly. She guessed Neville was alright then.

May 2nd,

Why do I keep writing about May 2nd?

Lav, I wish you were here

I have a lot to tell you

I broke my wand

Yannow what? Fuck you

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now