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-Saturday, 1994-

Her dress hugged her body near the top but flowed out at the bottom, brushing the ground. Lav told her that if she had a dress that trailed, it'd get stepped on. It was a light blue color, pale but pretty. Lav helped her with her hair, curling it and pinning a few back but she left some to frame her face. To say Hazel was nervous was... simple. She was anxiety filled to the point Lav kept slapping her fingers out of her mouth. "Don't chew them to stubbles!" Lav hissed and Hazel giggled. Lav finished pinning up the last curls, stepping back. "I told you Fred liked you! Do you want makeup—"

"No!" Hazel forced out, shaking her head quickly. "Absolutely not! My hair, the dress, it's fine. But no makeup. I don't want to look silly."

Lav pouted, crossing her arms. "C'mon Haz! Please? I won't bug you again." She puckered her bottom lip and Hazel pressed her lips together, sighing. Lav smiled with glee when she realized her sister was giving in and she got to work. Hazel felt like everyone would be able to tell she looked like a clown. "No one will dare call you ugly once I'm done!"

A few minutes after impatiently waiting, Lav stepped back. She handed Hazel a mirror and she slowly looked into it, dreading what she'd see. But to her surprise, she still looked like herself. Her eyelashes were more fuller, her cheeks had more color. Lav had swiped some shimmery stuff onto her eyelids and it looked natural. "Okay! Let's not keep our dates waiting!" Lav squealed and grabbed her hand, yanking her along.

"My shoes!" Hazel protested and Lav huffed, stopping. She slipped on the flats, knowing she'd never pull off heels. They raced out of the bathroom and then they came around the corner. Lav stopped so abruptly that Hazel almost toppled over.

"Walk with grace." Lav snapped and then smiled, letting Hazel's hand go. Fred, George and Angela were waiting with Ron, Harry, Padma and Parvati. Lav's stride faltered a second and Hazel could feel her anxiety. But Xander came into view and Lav regained her confidence. Xander was from Drumstrang, that's all Hazel knew. George nudged Fred and he turned, catching sight of Hazel. She blushed, shaking slightly. "Breathe." Lav whispered. "Inhale, exhale. Hold."

Fed met them halfway. "You look..." he blinked. "You look amazing, Hazel." He smiled down at her and everything felt right. He held out his hand and she took it.

"You look dashing yourself." She replied and he guided her over to his brother and his date. Angela smiled at her. She wasn't one for compliments and she caught Harry staring at her with wide eyes. She smiled at him and she saw his cheeks flush with color, much to Parvati's annoyance.

The night was wonderful, Fred never let go of her. Except to go get them drinks. She had never felt this happy before and it startled her. She danced till her feet ached. When the slow song came on, Fred guided her onto the dance floor. She rested her head against his chest, moving slowly with him. "You know Hazel, you've grown on me."

Her stomach somersaulted and she smiled to herself. "I can't say the same." She teased and he laughed. They circled the floor and she looked up at him. He was staring down at her. Their eyes met and she wanted him to kiss her. Very badly. But he was older, too old for her maybe. Maybe he thought of her as a little sister. The thought was a gut punch and she looked down.

Fred seemed to sense her mood change because he began to spin them away from the floor, lost in the crowd of students. They left, with him leading her away. They sat in one of the corridors. "You are truly stunning, Hazel. You've got a sharp tongue and a boldness that draws me in." Fred smiled and she looked down at her fingers. "What is it?"

"Well... you're older than me. Doesn't that bother you?" She asked, dreading the answer. Why did she do this to herself?

"By two years, love. I don't mind. I like you. A lot. I've never felt this way before." His words made her happy and she looked up, smiling shyly. "You make me feel so... happy."

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now