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-Monday, 1995-

Hazel stood on her tiptoes, trying to spot Fred's red hair. Lavender was chatting to their mother, excited. "Hazel, if you crane your neck any higher, you'll have a long neck." Her father teased and her face turned hot.

"Oh, Henry dear, leave her be." Her mother chided softly and her father let out a loud laugh.

"He seems nice enough, very nice man." Her father answered and her mother smiled.

"Yes, very charming. I'm glad he's taking care of you honey." Her mother hugged her tight. Lavender made a face and rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on. You weren't so nice to John!" She exclaimed and her parents shared a look. John was Lavender's newest interest and he was... odd. He was a Ravenclaw but he had this attitude of indifference that irked her. How Lavender was obsessed, she was no idea. But she kept her mouth shut. "Oh look! The girls! I'll be off, I love you!" Lav hugged her parents and ran off to the twins.

Hazel danced from foot to foot, upset she hadn't found Fred yet. He'd promised to sit with her as long as George could tag along. With Luna and Neville, she didn't know how they'd all fit but she was sure they'd manage. "I better get going." She sighed and hugged her parents.

"Be safe." Her mother whispered and she blushed while her father raised his eyebrows. "I don't want grandchildren soon, I'm still in my youth!"

Hazel giggled and kissed her father on the cheek. "I promise I won't make you grandparents! I'm still a virgin."

"Ah! Ah!" Her father clapped his hands over his ears. "Shoo! Off with you!"

Hazel continued to giggle as she spun and hurried along. She swallowed her disappointment and decided to go search for Fred on the train after she set her things with Luna. When she found their normal compartment, Luna and Neville were already there. "Oh hello Zelly!" Luna greeted warmly and Neville smiled crookedly at her.

"Hey Vee, hey LuLu." She replied and set her trunk up with theirs. Winter curled up in Luna's lap immediately. "I'll be right back, Fred said he'd sit with me."

Luna glanced away quickly, seeming upset. Neville cleared his throat. "Um, he and George were sitting with Angelina and Katie." He mumbled and she blinked. "Angelina seemed pretty cozy with him." He added and her stomach dropped.

"They're friends." She replied quickly and they both shared a look. Her heart was hammering loudly and she felt sick. "I'll be back." She hurried from the compartment to find him, hoping they were wrong. She searched, glancing in. When she came upon them, she felt her heart break. Angelina was indeed cozy, practically sitting in his lap. George was talking to Katie, who had a flirty smile on her face. Angelina was laughing at something Fred had said and Hazel felt her stomach churn when her hand lifted to rest on Fred's shoulder. Fred seemed uncomfortable though and he shrugged her hand off quickly. But why was he letting her sit so close to him? She thought about running but she was stubborn. She slid the door open, her glare on Angelina. Fred glanced up in surprise and looked relieved. "Freddie." She chirped, extending her hand. "Aren't you sitting with me, love?"

Angelina turned her head, her eyes narrowing. "Ah yes, coming." Fred stood up quickly and took her hand. Smug, she yanked him close and lifted her face. He bent down to kiss her and butterflies danced in her belly. She pulled away to look at Angelina, letting a small smirk slip onto her face. Angelina was full on glaring at her and so was Katie. But George was trying to hide a smile.

"See you later George." She nodded and then pulled Fred away.

Fred had a silly smile on his face. "You're cute when you're jealous." He chuckled and she growled. "Cute when you're claiming me too."

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