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-Monday, 1991-

"I'm Hazel Brown and this is my sister, Lavender Brown!" The girl introduced herself to the blonde haired girl with funny looking glasses. Lavender was gripping her arm tightly, staring at the blonde with disdain.

The blonde smiled wistfully, blinking as she removed her large glasses. They revealed big blue eyes that were fixed on the twins. "I'm Luna Lovegood. Nice to meet you."

Lavender's fingers flexed at the mention of Lovegood and she yanked on Hazel's arm roughly. "Haz, can we go? Please? Mummy and Dad will be waiting for us." Her sister practically begged.

"Yeah. I'll see you on the train, Luna. Save us a seat?" Hazel's smile was easy as she waved to the fellow first year and Lavender nearly ripped her arm off, yanking her along. They both easily spotted their parents. Right before they reached hearing distance, Lavender's smile turned sour.

"We are not befriending Luna Lovegood." She spat, her eyes narrowing. "Daddy dislikes her father."

Hazel jerked her arm out of Lavender's grip, her eyes hard. "Luna's mum was Mummy's friend. Don't you remember? We have to befriend her. I don't care what Daddy says."

Lavender's nose turned up. "If we associate ourselves with her, we'll be marked as strange as her. I don't want that and neither do you." She skipped ahead, smiling as she enveloped their father in a tight hug. Hazel was glaring at her back angrily. You can't tell me what to do, Lav.

Nobody told her what to do.

May 2nd,

Their eyes haunt my nightmares.

Their dead eyes.

Her eyes are always accusing.

Always asking me the same question.

Where were you?

She's asking me because I wasn't there.

I wasn't there to protect her and she died.

Her trunk was mostly empty; her school stuff was scattered around her dorm. Luna was perched on her bed, her fingers dancing through the air with her large glasses on. The same glasses she'd wore when they'd first met. Her lips tugged up into a faint smile at the memory and she laid back, staring at her ceiling. Time crept by and she remained wide awake, too scared to fall asleep. Because when she fell asleep, she had nightmares. She hated them.

So instead, her thoughts snuck in slowly, like a cold chill running it's fingers along her arms. Be safe, Lav.

You too, Haz.

See you on the flip side?

God, you and your muggle sayings.

Her breathing spiked and she sat up, knowing she wasn't sleeping but felt like she'd just jerked awake. The tears came, splashing down her cheeks like the traitors they were. Instead of going off to find Luna, she should've stayed with her sister. She should've stayed to fight with her. Should've, but she didn't. And it'd been a grave mistake. She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, seeing that it was almost midnight. So much for a good night's rest.

Her eyes strayed back up as she laid back down and she closed her eyes tightly. Trying to sleep, trying to distract herself. But instead she was greeted with Lavender's dead eyes. Accusing. Full of accusation. Where were you, Hazel? Why weren't you there?


Luna was brushing her hair, bags under her eyes. She'd been tossing and turning all night, stuck in her own nightmare. Hazel felt bad for her but that was the effects of the war. They were all plagued with nightmares, reliving their horrors in their sleep.

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