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-Tuesday, 1995-

It happened.

She thought it would make her feel different. Like change her in some way. But it didn't. She thought she might like, glow or something. But once her and Fred did the dirty, she noticed with glee that Angelina seemed to back off, losing interest in Fred. Which made her more than happy because now everyone knew that they were unbreakable. "You like the idea?" Fred was asking her and she looked up at him, forgetting they had been in a conversation.

"Sorry, what?" She muttered lamely and Fred grinned slightly. "I was distracted."

"If you forgot the plan, it'll be a surprise to you as well then." The twins fist bumped and she rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to make that horrid troll disappear?" She sighed and rubbed her hand. It still stung from those horrible quills. Headmaster Umbridge was a nightmare and she wished that Dumbledore would come back. But everything was all fucked now... especially since Harry insisted that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back. Lav didn't believe him, said that he was traumatized by Cedric's death and was hallucinating. But Luna believed him and so did the twins. There was no reason not to believe him. Since Harry almost died every school term. She wouldn't be surprised if the Dark Lord was actually back.

"We can't make her disappear but today is the day." George smirked at Fred. "Goodbye Hogwarts."

"You're leaving?" Her attention snapped back to them and Fred shrugged.

"We always felt school was holding us back anyways." He replied and her stomach dropped.

She had been forcing herself not to think about the fact that the twins were of age now and they could drop out. Which meant that she wouldn't be able to see Freddie everyday. Her heart sank now. "I don't want you to go." She whispered softly and George excused himself, muttering about the loo.

Fred took her hands, standing up from perching on the ledge. "Nothing is going to change, love." He said softly, kissing her forehead. "I'll write you everyday. On holiday's we can still see each other."

"But you won't be here." She whispered and he kissed her.

"We'll make it work okay? Do you trust me?" He asked and she nodded, looking up at him.

Seeing him staring at her with love in his eyes, the small smile on his face. The way he gravitated towards her. He was perfect to her. She never stopped falling in love with him. Everyday, she just kept falling. "I love you." She told him and he pulled her in close, peppering her face with kisses.

"I love you more, Hazel."

December 25,

Lav, I miss you

I would do anything to hear your advice for me

I wish I could go to Mum and ask for help

I'm so alone now

Hazel quickly tucked Draco's presents under the tree. She'd sent her friends an owl with their gifts. Under the tree had looked so empty so she made sure to buy a lot of gifts for Draco. As it turned out, her parents had deposited money into her bank account so she wasn't completely broke. She reckoned that she had enough to keep herself afloat for awhile but she needed to start job hunting soon. It was scary, the fact she'd turned her back onto her parents. She'd always assumed that they would be there to help her get onto her feet. She always thought they'd help her learn how to fly and safely leave the nest. Instead she dove headfirst out and now she was free falling. It was slightly scary. Draco appeared behind her, dressed up in a white dress shirt and black pants. She wore a simple dark green dress that reached above her knees. She thought about a red one but since it was Christmas, she didn't want to look out of place. Red was a Christmas color, but she didn't want to stand out too much. The only red dress she had was a bright one. "You look beautiful." He told her and she felt her face grow hot.

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now