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-Sunday, 1996-

Something was happening, Hazel was restless. There was something, she didn't know what. It was night time, she was supposed to be sleeping. She missed Fred terribly, ever since he had left, school was such a bore. And kind of...unsafe. To simply put it. Her parents wanted to run but they didn't have enough to leave yet. The Dark Lord was scary now, well he had always been scary but she hadn't realized yet.

"Zelly?" Luna's soft voice came and she turned her head, sitting up. She squinted through the dark, her eyes adjusting. "I got to go, something's up." She was scrambling out of bed, yanking on a coat and shoes.

"What's wrong?" Hazel watched her in confusion, yawning. "What's happening?"

"I don't know." Luna's voice sounded strange. "Harry is calling, I have to go."

Her mood soured as Harry was mentioned. "Lu, it's late, just go back to sleep." She groaned.

"Hazel this is serious." Luna snapped and shock jolted through her at the use of her full name. Luna was anxious, her eyes clouded. "He needs help, you can come too." She whispered and Hazel hesitated.

If they were caught...but something in Luna's tone urged her to agree, so she nodded and got her shoes on quickly. They both hurried out quietly, careful not to rouse their two roommates. Luna led the way and Hazel kept yawning. The portraits grumbled as they flew by and soon she saw more lights ahead. At the sight of Ron and Hermione, she narrowed her eyes slightly and sent a look to Luna, but she wasn't paying attention. Hermione was talking to them quickly and quietly, and Hazel felt frightened. Something about Malfoy, he'd betrayed them. Harry needed them to keep an eye out.

Why was she always mixed up in this? Lav would rip her eyes out if she saw her by Ron without knocking his teeth out. But this wasn't the time. She had to set her personal feelings aside, because right now there was a bigger threat.

She followed Luna, unable to stop herself from shivering in fear. It was quiet, silent while the rest of the school slept. She leaned against the wall, her eyes darting around to find any sign of danger, but there was none. Not yet.

And then it was happening, Luna was pulling her along as they raced to the others. Death eaters, death eaters, were in the school. Fighting them. Her blood froze and she wanted to run away but there was no time. And then, it was pitch dark.

She flung herself to the ground as the bright green of killing curse flew over her, hitting and blasting the wall. They were aiming to kill. In a flash, she was up, fumbling, trembling, screaming "STUPEFY!" in the direction of the death eater who'd fired at her.

She couldn't see, couldn't breathe, terror racing through her veins as her heart thundered in her ears. She was going to die, she was going to get hit. Faintly, she heard Luna calling for her but she'd backed up into the wall, sliding down onto her butt.

She was frozen, she couldn't fight.

She was too scared. A coward.

And then, lights, the fighting had stopped. Luna was there, frantically asking if she was hurt. She was blankly staring at the wall where the killing curse had hit, knowing if she'd been a second slower—if she'd been a second slower. "They've disappeared, Zelly please." Luna was trying to lift her to her feet but her legs were jelly.

"What happened?" She asked breathlessly, finally snapping out of it to rise. "Why are they here?"

"Malfoy." Luna answered and then Hermione was walking over, asking if they were okay. Everything was a blur as her heartbeat echoed around her. Her ears were dulled, senseless. She could've died.

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now