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-Tuesday, 1996-

"What are we going to do?" Hazel's mum fretted, as her dad read the Daily Prophet.

Now the world knew Voldemort was back, her world erupted in chaos. Her parents had fought in the first war, and they had targets on their backs. Everyone did, everyone who had opposed him in the first place was terrified. Hazel didn't know what to think anymore. She clutched Lav's hand tightly to ground herself, and she felt her sister squeeze her hand back in reassurance.

They were closer now than they'd ever been. After that Granger bitch stole Ron from her twin, she disliked the golden trio. She'd sided with her sister, loudly defending her when she'd overheard Ron talking shit. Her sister was overzealous, happy for attention. Had she made a fool of herself over that stupid ginger? Of course, but that didn't mean she was going to stand to let everyone else make fun of her for it. "I'm waiting for word, if we are direct targets we will have to go into hiding. Stay with your cousins in America." Her dad answered and her mum looked up, fear in her eyes.

She briefly glanced over at the twins, who were looking back and forth between them. She burst into tears, throwing her arms around both of them and squeezing. "Oh my sweet girls, this was not the world I wanted you two to live in." She cried and they hugged her back. "We fought to protect you and now we've put you in danger."

"Don't worry mum, nothing will happen to us. Dumbledore will protect us." Hazel reassured her, patting her back. But even she doubted her own words.

"I don't want to go to America." Lavender whispered, her own eyes mirroring their mothers fear. "If it comes to a fight, I will gladly fight."

Hazel wanted to ease the tension in the room, so she shook her head. "Lav, you almost failed DADA, you would be helpless." Lav gave her a dirty look. "I'll protect you." Hazel giggled.

"This is not a joking matter!" Their mum reprimanded but their dad came over to gather them in his arms.

"We'll be fine, as long as we stay together. Family is powerful. Without each other, we are weak. Together, we are strong." He told them. "As long as Dumbledore lives, we will be fine."

January 19th,

He hasn't even sent me a letter. I have heard nothing from him. Why?

He said he loved me. Why isn't he fighting for me? Does he not care?

I can't escape him, it's like he's trying to haunt me.

Returning to Hogwarts after break was easy. Boarding the train, chatting with Luna and Neville was easy too. It was the dinner at the Great Hall that angered her. She was sitting at her table when she glimpsed his hair. Part of her was searching for him, part of her wanted nothing to do with him. He'd embarrassed her, wounded her ego. And she ran. But Malfoy had never been one to chase. She couldn't help but turn her head to see him. He was sitting up straight, a smile upon his face as he talked to... her vision pulsed red. It was the dumb brunette from the break. What was her name again? Slut.

At the same moment, she saw Draco catch her staring. His face showed no expression, but she noticed his smile vanish. She raised an eyebrow to say 'really?' before she turned away. Jealous and red-hot anger was making her chest feel tight. It felt like someone was squeezing her heart. She hated it. She'd left, she shouldn't be feeling like this. Whatever they had was obviously over. And it stung he had someone to fall back onto, someone to nurse his wounds. The more she thought about it, the more furious she got. When he was cuddling her, whispering in her ear, he was engaged to that one cunt. He'd probably had no intention of splitting from his fiancé, she remembered that girl's words. You aren't the first rat he's taken to bed during our engagement, and you won't be the last. "Uhm, Zelly, are you okay?" Luna whispered, side eyeing her. "That spoon is going to break."

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