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[TW: suicidal behavior]

-Sunday, 1992-

"Please please please can I go?" Lavender continued to beg while Hazel was sitting upside down on the loveseat, attempting to read one of her books. "Please mum?"

Their mother was knitting, shaking her head. "You're gone half the year, we can spend our summer together. We let you go Christmas. Enough Lavender." She replied sternly and Lavender stomped her foot, crossing her arms.

"I think the twins will be fine one week without you." Hazel muttered dryly and Lavender turned to her, his eyes narrowing.

"You're not one to speak! You're practically glued to Luna's hip like some sulky lapdog!" Lavender shout back, fuming.

Hazel righted herself, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sitting here begging to go over to her house." She answered, setting her book aside. "We exchange letters, I don't need to be by her side."

"You were begging earlier for her to come stay the night!" Lavender shrieked and pointed a finger at her. "I heard you! I heard you!"

"For Merlin's sake Lav! I asked once. I was given an answer and I'm not stomping my foot about it am I?" Hazel rolled her eyes and stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go study. You should try it when you're not staring in the mirror."

"Mum!" Lavender wailed, covering her ears.

"Hazel! Apologize!" Their mom barked, setting her knitting stuff down. They both quieted at once, casting their gazes down. "Now I don't know what's gotten into you two but you need to figure it out. You're sisters, start acting as such!"

"I'm twins with a crybaby." Hazel snorted and left the room before either could respond. God, why was Lav so whiney? She'd become so needy during the school year. Probably because she was friends with the Patil girls. They were gossipy, evil. She didn't like them. They'd changed Lavender. She headed to her room and sat on her bed, huffing. But nooo. Lav didn't want to be friends with an oddball like Luna Lovegood. She sat there for a bit, making herself even more mad as she thought more about Lavender. A short knock on her door startled her and she looked up. Her dad was standing there, his hands in his pockets.

"Hey pumpkin." He sighed and came in. "Can I sit?" He gestured and she nodded, moving over. He sat down and was quiet for a few moments. "You upset your sister—" he began and she erupted, leaping to her feet.

"Why is it always about fucking Lavender? Why do you favor her over me? I just made one remark about her throwing at fit about not being able to spend the last week of summer with those stupid brats and I'm the one in trouble?" She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. "It's always Lavender this and Lavender that! Be nice to Lavender. I'm sorry I fucking hurt her feelings!"

Her dad stared at her, raising an eyebrow. She flushed, crossing her arms. "Is this about something else?" He asked and she blanched, taking a step back. She opened her mouth but no sound came out. "Honey, are you jealous of Lav's friends?"

"What? No! Why would I be jealous of those stupid... those stupid, idiotic, self centered... no!" She stuttered, growing even more angry. "No! Why would you— no!"

Her dad sighed and patted the spot beside him. She grudgingly walked over and sat, hunching her shoulders. "Darling, I get it. You and Lav, you're a package deal. I get why you'd be angry that she found friends."

"Annoying friends." She interjected, huffing. He smiled and shook his head.

"You have to know she loves you. She'll always love you. You're her sister, her twin. Her other half. She adores you so much." He paused. "You have to accept you'll have different friends, different interests. But remember that you two are family. When me and your mom are gone, you'll have each other. Do you want to spoil that now with your jealousy?"

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