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-Tuesday, 1994-

Luna and Hazel were walking to their class, chatting about Mr. Lovegood's latest article. The First Task had been completed and Luna had been enraged that Krum had caused his dragon to smash her eggs. "He's cruel, that dragon didn't deserve that." She exclaimed, shaking her head.

"I think the tournament is cruel for bringing dragons in like that for entertainment." Hazel agreed and she looked up to see Fred leaned up against the wall, spinning his wand in his fingers. Her heart began to race and she felt her face grow hot. Luna bumped her shoulder against hers, smiling.

"I forgot something, meet you at class." Luna lied as Fred looked up at them. Luna turned back around and walked the opposite direction. Fred pushed himself off the wall, sauntering towards Hazel.

"Hey, Z. Got a question for you." He spoke and her stomach did somersaults. Fred had noticed her slipping in a few of her classes and being the kind guy he was, he offered to tutor her. At first, it had just been tutoring sessions but as they spent more time together, she couldn't help but grow feelings. He was funny, witty and knew how to make her laugh so hard her stomach ached. He was also fucking hot, in her opinion. But he was older and she was sure he viewed her as a little sister. It was kind of an achy feeling, knowing she'd never have him. "You have a date to the ball?"

Breathe, idiot. Breathe. "Uh no." Truth was, McGreggor and Foun and Edison had asked her and she'd denied them all because she'd heard from Lavender who'd heard from Padma who'd heard from Violet who'd heard from Ginny that Fred was planning to ask her. "It seems lame, I dunno." She mumbled and his face fell slightly. "But, if I had a date, I might be interested." She added quickly and he smiled.

"Well, do you want to go with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Yes! She forced herself to remain calm and she shrugged.

"I mean, yeah sure. I guess." She said evenly and Feed beamed at her, she couldn't help but grin back.

"Here, love." From out of his sleeve, he pulled a rose, handing it to her. "I charmed it, so it can't die." He winked and she took it lightly, smelling it. She reached out to hug him tightly.

"It's beautiful, thank you."

May 2nd

I remember our first kiss

It was sweet, simple and delicate

I remember how your hands felt

He's not you

He'll never be you

Why'd you have to leave me too

I hate you too

Hazel hadn't spoken to Draco in a few weeks. McGonagall had told her the Ministry believed it would be a violation of his probation to let him off school grounds with another student. Instead, she'd been sent with a Prefect. She got the new wand and on her way back to her dorm, she stopped at the Owlry, tied the pouch to its leg, and sent it on its way. And that was that. With the help of the potion, she was finally able to get sleep. The dark bags under her eyes went away. Her depression didn't but she was starting to cope, slightly. Harry had become her shadow and she liked his quiet company. They were sitting in the library, quizzing each other. "Have you reached out to your parents at all?" Harry asked, interrupting her question.

She stared at him, her entire body freezing for a moment before she shoved herself out of it. "Er, no. They haven't written to me. Shows how much they care." She mumbled.

"Christmas break is in a month. What are you going to do?"

"I was going to stay here, actually." She chewed her lip, wishing they'd just get back to studying. Harry seemed lost in thought. "I appreciate the offer of going to the Weasley's but um... I can't." She coughed. She couldn't because of the same reason she loathed herself; George. She didn't know how she'd react to seeing him. If it was anything like how she was looked at, she wanted to spare him.

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