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-Thursday, 1995-

For some stinking reason, Angelina had set her sights on her boyfriend. Which was actually very annoying. She just wouldn't back off. And not to mention the new DADA teacher was horrendous. She knew something was up with Harry and the Headmaster. But she was more focused on keeping that rat off of her boyfriend. It didn't help they were in different houses but she made sure to claim Fred anytime Angelina was around and Fred was more then happy to help. That was, until she overheard Angelina talking to Katie. "I heard she hasn't given it up yet." Katie was saying and she pressed her back against the wall.

"What do you expect? She's like twelve. I don't get what he sees in her. He'll grow bored of her soon enough when she doesn't give in." Angelina giggled and her blood ran cold. Freddie had never pressured her into anything farther than kissing. Was he getting bored of her?

"Oh c'mon Ang, give it up. You're making yourself look like a bitch going after Fred while he's clearly in love with the Brown twin." Katie chided and Angelina snickered.

"Look, all I'm saying is I know boys. If Brown doesn't sleep with him soon, his other needs will push him to seek someone else out. Trust me. It always happens." Their voices faded as they walked away and she was left standing against the wall with her heart hammering.

What if she was right? She suddenly felt anxious. As she went to her next class, Luna seemed to pick up on her mood. "Zelly, what's wrong?" She asked and Hazel felt like crying.

"Do you think Freddie is losing interest in me?" She sniffled and Luna shook her head. "Because Angelina—"

"Don't listen to a word that troll says!" Luna spoke sharply and grabbed Hazel's hand. "You listen to me, that boy is stupidly in love with you. She's just a jealous hag and she'll try to get in between you two."

"But she said if I don't sleep with him, he'll find someone who will!" Hazel anguished and Luna sighed.

"Talk to him about it, don't listen to gossipy bitches." Luna advised her. "If he starts pressuring you, screw him. But I'm telling you, he's in love with you for a reason. Communicate to him. Okay? Don't go off of what she says, he says."

Hazel came to realize that when Luna paid attention, she spoke truth. And irritatingly enough, she was right a lot of the times. So why would she be wrong this time?

After class, she sought out Fred, who was walking with George and them. Angelina was trying to get Fred's attention but he seemed busy reading a book. "Freddie." She called and his head immediately snapped up.

A smile crossed his face and he hurried towards her, leaving Angelina glaring after her. "My love." He greeted and bent to swiftly kiss her. "I've missed you."

"You saw me this morning." She giggled and he grinned, wrapping his arms around her.

"A second away from you, princess, is torture for me." He told her cheekily and she smiled but saw Angelina staring at them. Cold water seemed to douse her and she pulled away from him, frowning. He immediately picked up on her mood shift. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"I need to talk to you. Alone." She mumbled and he looked panic stricken. They went away, into an empty classroom. He stared at her, uneasy.

"Is this about Angelina? I know she makes you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I try my best to ignore her but George is taken with Katie and they're a package deal—" he started to explain but she lifted her hand, silencing him.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" She asked softly and he sputtered for a second, taken aback.

"Excuse me?"

Broken Mirrors [A DRACO MALFOY FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now