First meeting

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You stayed at your aunt's house since you came from a business trip, their mother asked you if you can babysit them for today and you said yes. Your cousins asked you to take them to Neverland Ranch to play there and enjoy with the rides. You happily said yes and you drove your way to Neverland.

You always visit Neverland whenever you had your vacation at your aunt. All your life, you've always been wanting to meet your ultimate idol, the man of your dreams, Michael Jackson. You wished to see him when you visit Neverland but you never had the chance to. He was busy rehearsing, going on tour and everything. This will be your 3rd visit to Neverland and you are really excited about it.

You finally arrived, as the moment you parked the car, your cousins immediately ran entering Neverland.

"You guys slow down, wait for me!" You shouted as you chase them.

"Come on Y/N let's go at the rides!" your girl cousin said as she drags you where the rides are.

You don't really enjoy the rides much since it made you dizzy easily, but you had no choice, you need to be with your cousins to watch for them, making sure they are safe enjoying the rides. You've been to 4 rides already and it made you feel sick.

"Guys please let's stop with the rides, I'm getting really sick." You said, but your cousins laughed at you and said you are some kind of loser. You just laughed with them coz you kinda agree with them. They asked you if they can just play at the swing with the other kids and you said yes.

"Ugh finally, now I can take some rest." You said to yourself, but before you can sit at the bench you see bunch of kids lining up for the ice cream. You're kinda hungry so you don't mind getting in line with them just for the ice cream.

You asked for chocolate flavor and after a few minutes, you went back to your sit together with your ice cream. You enjoyed the scene mostly kids running around and playing, it made you giggled.

"Why are these kids so cute?" You asked yourself, yes you do love kids and it made you remember of Michael, his love for kids.

As you licked your ice cream , a man with a mask and a hat came towards your direction.

"Hey, do you mind If I sit with you?" He asked politely. You smiled at him and nodded.

"Those kids are adorable aren't they?" the man started a conversation with you.

"Yes they are, I mean look at their faces they look so happy and innocent." You said and giggles. You finally finished your ice cream and you get some wipes from your bag to wipe your dirt around your mouth.

"I'm so happy that Michael created this place for them, isn't he the best human being in the world?" You asked the man beside you. He stayed, silent for a while and then answered you.

"Why do you call him as the best human being? he has flaws too." He asked.

"Well of course, all of us has flaws and imperfections including him but you know he is different to me. He is humble and kind, his love for the children amazes me. I wished people see him that way, not a monster psh. God created a beautiful soul and the world wasn't prepared for it. Oh how I wish I could meet him in person." You said and sighed. He didn't answer but you heard him giggled.

"Why? what's wrong? don't you agree with me?" You asked to him bluntly.

"No no...Its cute that you think that way to me, wow I'm really honored." He said and looked at you. Your heart starts beating so fast, but you stayed calm. No way this can't be.... no..

"W-what are you t-talking a-about mister?" you stuttered, you know something was different. He takes off his hat which exposed his curly hair. OMG no way..... is this?

He then takes off his mask and he flashed a smile the moment he looked at you. Its Michael Jackson.

"Hello, I'm Michael Jackson, and you are?" He reached his hand to you. Damn! I can't believe this man is introducing his self to me like bro YES I KNOW YOU'RE MICHAEL JACKSON, THE MAN OF MY DREAMS!"

Your mouth opened because of shock. Come on Y/N get it together, don't embarrass yourself in front of him.

"Oh hi, I'm Y/N" you said and hold his hand. Your heart starts to beat so fast again, and you are more nervous than before. You started sweating, you can't believe to yourself that Michael Jackson is in front of you. Michael noticed it and so he asked you.

"Uhh Y/N are you okay? you seem a bit of nervous." He asked with a sweet voice which made you fell in love with him more. His voice sounds like heaven to you especially when he started singing.

"Oh my god, I-I've b-been your f-fan since I can r-remember, I can't believe I'm meeting y-you right now." You said stuttering again. he chuckled and nodded.

"Really? how sweet of you, thank you Y/N." he said happily. How can this man so humble omg I wanna kiss him!

I can't take this anymore. I've been wanting to do this for the long time.

"Do you mind if I can ask for a hug?" You confidently asked. Yes only a hug, even if you wanted to kiss him you refrain yourself. You don't want to be remembered as a lunatic fan to him don't you? He was shocked but he smiled sweetly afterwards.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to." He said and scooted near you. He opens his arm and you landed to his chest. You hugged him tightly and so does he. It was a long hug, it lasted more than 10 seconds.

You let go of your hug, and you feel like crying, this is a dream come true to you. You didn't expect meeting him today.

"Wow Y/N, I'm so grateful I had a fan like, do you mind if I could ask something" He asked. His one was still around your shoulder. Your face was so close to him. God tell me how can I relax in this position.

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"Can you meet me here again tomorrow? maybe around 8am?" He asked which made you blushed really hard. Of course you didn't hesitate to say yes. I mean HELLO its Michael Jackson! You are gonna meet him again tomorrow.

"Of course no problem." You said he also asked for your number and you excitedly gave it to him. He wrote it at the back of his hand.

"Thank you sweetie, I'll be going now. Nice meeting you Y/N." He said as he gets up, he looked at you and gave his beautiful smile. You smiled back and waved your hand.

"OH MY GOD MICHAEL WANTS TO MEET ME TOMORROW! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" you shouted and people started staring at you. You realized what you did and you looked down out of embarrassment but still continued to fangirl inside.

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