I honestly dont know

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As you can read from the title, I really don't know what title should I put.

"Hey Y/N, I know this is random but I found this fanfiction story in this website about your boyfriend, you might wanna check this out?" Your bestfriend said on the other line.

"I'm actually really bored right and have no plans to do anything today but not the worst idea." You said and chuckled getting up from your bed.

"Send me the link girl." You said and ended the call. You get your laptop and proceed your way at Michael's library.

You closed the door from behind and sit on the couch with the laptop on your lap. You waited for your friend to send the link, minutes later there was a notification and you immediately clicked it and visited the website.

"Oh, MJ Imagines (World with Applehead). This seems interesting." You said to yourself and started reading the different scenarios.

You thought the story might look cringe but you enjoyed it anyway. Coincidentally there are scenarios from the imagine that you and Michael did.

The emotions were a roller coaster, there was cute scenes there were hot ones but mostly everything was good.

You were currently reading this part Let me love you. The way the author expressed here about Michael was somehow same to you.

You were smiling and nodding reading each line that you didn't even notice that Michael was already standing at your back.

Hands on his hips, he was smiling watching you reading.

"Wow Its been a long time since I've saw you reading something." You startled hearing his voice and looked back.

His hands were on his hips with a grin on his face.

You put your hand on your chest trying to calm down.

"Michael you don't come around like that, you know how I easily get startle." You said and sighed. He laughed at you then kissed your forehead.

"I'm sorry my love, what are you reading by the way?" He said and came towards you looking at your laptop.

You closed your laptop and hide it behind your back.

"Ah...uhmm...just some reports." You said and smiled hopefully he'll buy your lie.

"I'm not buying your lie." He said and rolled his eyes. Oh damn.

"Are you sure? I thought I read my name in there?" 

You sighed facing him.

"Come on just tell me, I'm curious." He said holding your hand.

"Well (your best friend's name) found a fanfiction about you..." He giggled hearing those words.

"About me? oh damn okay then?"

"And I was bored so I let her sent the website to me so I can read it." You said and he nodded his head smiling.

"Is it good? I never read stories about me before." 

"Yeah its fine look. I love this scenario." You said and grabbed your laptop and let him see what you read earlier.

"Let me love you?" He asked and you nodded.

"Can you read it for me dear?" He asked you letting his head rest on your shoulders while he closes his eyes.

"Doesn't it sound cringe to you or?" 

MJ IMAGINES (World with Applehead) ON GOINGWhere stories live. Discover now