He expresses his love to you

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You are sitting at your couch watching movies, you looked at your phone and in a few hours it will be your 5th anniversary with your boyfriend Michael Jackson. Yes, even though you've been in a relationship for 5 years, you still can't believe you are officially Michael Jackson's girl. Just like other fangirls, you dreamt being his girl.

After watching the movie you looked at your phone again and its 12:00 am.

"Happy Anniversary my love." You said to yourself as you looked at the portrait of you and Michael together. You've been starring at the picture for too long you didn't even realized Michael was calling you.

You immediately snapped back and answered him.

"Hello Michael?"

"Hello sweetie, happy anniversary." He said sweetly, it made your heart jumped. You are happy just by his voice.

"Happy anniversary Mikey, I miss you." You said with a crack voice and with teary eyes. You tried yourself not to cry, but you missed him so much. He was gone for tour for about 6 month already.

"Aww is my girl crying?" He cooed to the other line.

"I miss you bad Michael, when will I see you again? It feels so lonely in here without you." You said and you started crying.

"Oh baby me too, I miss everything about you. Your hugs and kisses I missed that. Stop crying or I'm gonna start crying too." He said and it made you laughed a little.

"Now calm down, I have something to tell you actually." He said, and you calmed yourself a little bit before he proceeds.

"You okay there Y/N?" He asks. You nodded even though he can't see you.

"I'm better now, so what are you going to tell me?" You asked him.

"Since I've missed you too so bad, I'm inviting you to one of my tour here in Amsterdam to celebrate our 5th anniversary, how does that sound?" He said and it made you completely shocked. You bounced at the couch with so much happiness and run in circles.

"Sounds like you're happy about it." He said and he giggled.

"OMG YES MICHAEL, I'M SO HAPPY!" You said to him with a smile on your face.

"Okay now, I want you to pack few things, and you'll be leaving tomorrow. I asked one of my assistant to go with you." He said.

"Of course baby, I'll see you then." You said, you already planned a lot of things for him.

"Okay I'll see you soonest my love, sleep well Y/N I love you."

"I love you more Michael." You said and the call ended. You immediately went upstairs to your shared bedroom. You get your suitcase and packed your clothes and other things. You also bring your sexy black and red lingerie set that you just bought just for him.

"I'm sure he's gonna be happy when I wear this." You said to yourself while looking at the lingerie. You chose black and red since its his favorite color which will turn him on just by looking at you wearing it.

After packing, you get to bed to wake up early. You look at the big window beside your bed.

"Wait for me love, I'm coming." You said and you closed your eyes thinking of him.

MJ IMAGINES (World with Applehead) ON GOINGWhere stories live. Discover now