Snow in Neverland

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Its been 2 weeks since you and Michael started dating. He invites you to his house in Neverland. You arrived there early and asked one of his maids if he already arrived from the studio, they said no. Instead of waiting inside, you decided to take a walk. It is snowing in California so you wear thick clothes to keep you warm.

You wore your black turtle neck, high-waisted denim pants, and your black boots, you top it with your red scarf and a black long jacket. To keep your hands warm, you also wore your black leather gloves. The ground was filled with snow and so does the trees, everything was white and cold, but you enjoyed it. Minutes of walking, until you feel someone is following. You looked around but you saw no one, you ignored it. You continued walking until someone's hands covering your eyes.

The person was behind you, and you were familiar with its scent. This scent drives you crazy every time, one of your weaknesses.

"Okay Michael, I know it's you." You said, he let go and both of you laughed.

"Hello Y/N, I thought you were inside." He says while smiling.

"I was inside actually but you weren't there yet and then I got bored so I decided to go for a walk, so here I am."

"I'm sorry if I made you wait, there were a lot of things to do at the studio." He said and pouted which made you think it's cute. You never get used to him acting all cute, he is very different in front of the camera and behind, you thought. You giggle and held his face gently caressing both sides of his cheeks.

"Don't worry about it, I was just early, you are just in time." You said and tipped toed to reach his height and kissed his cheeks.

His face turns red after what you just did, he bit his bottom lips looking down still smiling.

"You're driving me crazy Y/N." He said and you winked at him in return.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" He asked you and you nodded in response. You both started walking but minutes later you felt tired so you asked him if both of you can sit for a while. You both sit at the bench with complete silence. No one dared to talk.


"So-" You both said together, you looked at each other then started laughing.

"Okay okay, you go first." He said to you politely and giggled.

"Okay so uhm... how are you and your work?" You asked.

"It's been going really well actually, how about you?"

"It's been going really well too, I think my boss will put me into a higher position. I'm finally gonna have a promotion after how many years." You said and you giggled.

"Aww, that's good to hear Y/N congratulations! I'm happy for you sweetheart." He said which made you blushed by the endearment he called you, you looked away for a moment to calm yourself down. He noticed that you were blushing so he chuckled while looking at you.

There was silence again after that, but you didn't mind, you feel really cold as the minute passes. The gloves didn't help to keep your hand warm so you removed them and rubbed your hands to create heat.

He watches you as you rubbed your hands and blowing them to warm them.

"It's getting really cold, I guess we should head inside." He said and you agree with him. You started getting up and walking headed to his mansion.

While the both of you were walking, he looked at your hand which is still freezing in cold so then he grabbed it. You were shocked when he started rubbing it using both of his hands to create heat. As your hand already feels warm, he puts your one hand inside of his pocket, still holding it.

You felt his warm hand, holding tightly to your hand. This gives you butterflies.

"I hope it will help you keep warm." He said while looking at you. You nodded then smiled at him.

"It does, I wish I could hold your hand whenever I want to. It's very warm." You said and giggled, it made him blush and bit his bottom lip. Why does he look so cute but hot at the same time when he bites his bottom lip? His long slender fingers intertwined with yours, locking it to his hand.

"Do you wanna drink hot chocolate?"

"Yeah sure, hot chocolates are my favorite" You squealed with excitement, it made him giggle and he kisses your forehead. You arrived at his house then went to the kitchen.

He prepares the hot beverage with little marshmallows on top. He invites you to his room to watch movies. You both cuddle each other, keeping your body's warm while enjoying the hot beverage. Of course, you enjoyed each other's company.

Later on, you feel really comfortable lying in his chest which made you yawn.

"Are you tired Y/N?"

"No no, I am just comfortable." You said and looked up to him. You both stared at each other's eyes, his chocolate brown eyes compliment his face well. The longer you stare, the more you fell in love with him. The next thing you knew he move his head closer to you, he touched your lips using his thumb gently caressing them with admiration, he then pressed his kissable lips to yours which you gladly kissed him back

Exactly this day, this was your official first kiss.

"I love you, Mr. Jackson." You said smiling at him.

"I love you most Ms. Y/L/N to the moon and back." Those words he said made your heart jumped because of happiness. All you felt was love and happiness when you're around him, you want this to feel forever and ever.

I don't know about you guys, but this is one of my favorites so far. I could really see Michael doing this to his woman ackkkkkk.

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