Bad day

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It was almost midnight when you arrived home from work. You had an exhausting day, you were running some errands in the office here and there, presented your report and even got scolded from your boss for a stupid reason.

You already assumed your boyfriend Michael had already arrived, you've been craving his love and attention since he's been also very busy from his music career.

You went upstairs and head towards your shared bedroom, as you opened the door you were already expecting Michael on the bed but he was not there. You looked at the clock and it was already 12:00 A.M 

"Is he still at the studio?" You asked yourself as you take off your coat. You decided to take a quick bath first to relax yourself. After taking a quick bath you put on your pj's and brushed your hair. You were facing at the mirror when you heard something downstairs. 

You went down and the sound actually came from Michael's studio. You slowly opened the door and there he was, sitting on his chair  while holding a paper and a pen. 

You squealed when you saw him and immediately run to him and gave him a back hug.

"Y/N you scare the hell out of me!" He flinched and faced you, you could see that he was tired and stressed.

"Oh I'm sorry Michael." You said but he didn't respond anything and went back to what his doing. You looked at his paper and see that he was writing lyrics. 

You went to the couch and sit there watching him getting serious as he write down some lyrics. 

"Michael?" You said calling his attention. No answer.

"Michael." You called him once again.

"What?" He said in a cold tone.

"Are you almost done?" You asked hoping that he would say yes as you badly want to go to bed and cuddle with him.

"No Y/N I'm not even half way done." He said still in a cold tone. 

"Okay." You said quietly and decided to wait for him. 1 hour passed you didn't talk to each other as he was busy.

You kept on yawning as you already felt tired but still decided to wait for him. 

"Michael can we cuddle?" You asked as you can't wait any longer. You've been longing for his affection throughout the day. He ignore you and kept on writing.

You went up to him and snatched his pen form the back.

"What's wrong with you?!" He said and place his paper on the table.

"I just wanna cud-"

"If you don't have important thing to say just shut up and stop being so clingy!" He shouted and take his pen from your hand. You flinched and realize what you did, it was wrong. It was wrong to disturb him. It was the first time he yelled at you for 5 years of relationship.

"Oh I'm sorry..." A tears fell down from your cheeks and you leave the studio to go upstairs and sleep without him. You heard him letting out a heavy sigh as you close the door behind you. 

After 2 hours he finally decide to sleep and continue it tomorrow. As he leave his studio he was thinking about what happened earlier. 

"Did I hurt her earlier?" He ask himself. He went upstairs and slowly opened the door. He saw you covering your face with a pillow and kept on sobbing.

"Damn what did I do?" He said to himself and went on the covers with you. You faced your back and wiped your tears. 

"Sweetheart...I'm sorry." He said whispering to your ear. It made you cry more. He pulled you closer letting him face you. Your eyes were so red from crying so you looked down not meeting his gaze.

A tear fell down to your face and you look up to him, he was crying too.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you Y/N, forgive me dear." He said and kissed your forehead. 

"Did you have a bad day?" He asked with his sweet calming voice as he held your hand. You nodded at him and tell him about your day.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you earlier Michael." You apologize and he let out a sigh.

"No baby its not your fault I should've listen to you first before I reacted so harshly. From now on you can ask me anytime if you need anything okay?" He said assuring you, you smiled at him and he went down to kiss you.

"Come here baby, do you wanna cuddle?"

"More than anything." You said and scooted over closer to him, you lay on his chest as he wrapped his arms to your body, you stayed in that position until you both fell asleep feeling each others warmth and affection. 

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