I already apologized!

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Across the room there was a slender woman, a brunette with wild hair, although she looked different than eight years ago, Adora could recognize her from a mile away.

"Perfuma?" Adora whispered. "Who is that girl over there?" She pointed to the brunette across the room, making sure she wouldn't see it.

"Oh, that's Catra, I think. She's one of the new members in this season. Mermista got her a job here." Perfuma looked at her clipboard with the names of all the new instructors.

"I see..." Adora didn't know what to think, Catra looked beautiful, she had more womanly features, hips were bigger but waist stayed small. Would she recognize Adora?

During the entire assembly Adora couldn't keep her eyes off Catra, she barely listened to what the woman explained at all. Although her old friend didn't notice her, she spent most of the assembly on her phone. Typical. Catra never cared about anything.

After the assembly was over, Mermista handed papers to everyone, with their schedule and also dormitory number.

After Adora grabbed the paper and looked around Catra was gone. Weird. Did she leave the room already?

Adora skimmed through the paper and noticed she had a few hours to get settled in the dormitory before the children arrived.

After leaving the main wooden building, Adora walked for about 5 minutes towards the dormitory cabins.

'Cabin number 5. That's it.' It wasn't huge but it looked comfortable. Although the cabin looked old and the wooden planks were a bit moldy. Mermista had explained that each cabin will have around 5 instructors.

After walking through the door, Adora's heart skipped a beat again, when she realized who was standing on the further left side of the room, unpacking her bag almost aggressively.

Adora swallowed a lump that was stuck in her throat and quietly walked towards the bed next to the brunette.

Each bed had a cabinet next to it with a lamp and a plug. But the distance between each bed wasn't big. Adora decided to choose the bed next to Catra, after all these years, she wouldn't want to spend a minute away from her.

Adora dropped her bag on the floor, noticing how the sound startled Catra, she turned around and her face immediately went white.

"Catra? I-Is that you?" Adora questioned, standing in front of the slender brunette woman in front of her.

Catra didn't answer, she only looked at Adora's face with a raised brow, she looked pale. Adora's mouth opened to speak again but the brunette immediately walked out of the cabin. Leaving Adora completely ignored.

'W-What?' Adora was completely taken by surprise. 'Does she not remember me?'

She felt her heart sink to her stomach, maybe Catra didn't recognize her... Or maybe Catra didn't want to talk to her.

Adora decided to unpack while her thoughts were still troubled, she put most of her clothes in the drawer next to the bed and sat down on the bed, letting out a frustrated sigh.

'Is this really happening?' Adora's thoughts were interrupted by Perfuma entering the cabin.

"Adora? The children arrived and we are going to put them in groups and introduce ourselves- Are you okay? You look a bit upset..." Perfuma muttered, Adora snapped out of her thoughts.

"Oh- I'm fine..." Adora faked a smile and got up, walking towards the hippie flower girl. "So what were you saying?"

"We are dividing the children in groups of 6, you and another instructor will get to know them and play a question game if you'd like." Perfuma walked out of the cabin and Adora followed.

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