Painting class

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It was the second day Adora was working in the summer camp. Aside from the drama with Catra, the mosquito bites and some awfully behaved children, Adora quite liked the place.

The forest nearby had beautiful pine trees and not so far from the cabins, there was a pebble beach 15 minutes away.

Adora sat at the table in the conference room in the main cabin. All the employees were currently waiting for the daily schedule.

While everyone waited for Perfuma, Adora was currently annoyed at the scene happening not so far from her.

Mermista was sitting next to Catra and didn't waste a second to play with the brunette's hair. Curling up around her finger and letting it go, forming soft curls.

'Can they just stop it already? We are here to work, not to be all lovey dovey.' Adora rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Quit messing with my hair." Catra smirked softly.

"You know you love it." Mermista teased.

"This is ridiculous." Adora whispered, catching both Mermista and Catra's attention since they weren't sitting so far apart.

"Excuse me? Are you talking to us?" Mermista looked at Adora with a confused expression.

"No, I just think it's unprofessional for you guys to be acting this way." Adora said nonchalantly.

"Listen forehead, I don't know what's your problem but I'd like you to back off." Mermista threatened Adora, Catra did nothing but look away.

Before Adora even had the chance to speak Perfuma busted into the room.

"Sorry guys for being late! I was watering the plants in the forest and I got distracted." Perfuma walked around the room giving everyone papers with the schedule.

"So today, each of you guys will take a group of children around camp and teach them how to paint." Perfuma explained. "I require everyone to choose an individual scenario." Perfume grabbed her clipboard.

"So Adora, where would you like to take the children?" Perfuma asked.

"Oh, hmm... I think the beach?"

"Great." Perfume grabbed a pen and made notes on her clipboard.

"Catra?" Perfuma asked, but no answer was given, Catra was currently on her phone, probably playing some bullshit game like candy crush. Perfuma faked a cough to get her attention.

"Oh, yeah... I think the forest?" Catra suggested.


"Ugh, I don't care." Mermista scoffed, receiving a disapproved look from Perfuma.

"Well Mermista, if you really don't care, come help me with the pipes, apparently they're broken and messing up the sewage system. We don't want the toilets flooding, do we?" Perfuma gave a throwback.

"Ughhh, do I really have to do that?" Mermista complained, loudly chewing on her chewing gum.

"Now you do. Let's go." Perfuma redirected her attention to everyone else. "The children are outside in groups of five, pick a group and guide them to the location." Perfuma exited the cabin.

Adora looked at Catra who was now on her phone again.

"I guess today is gonna be fun, right?" Adora tried making conversation, which maybe wasn't the best idea.

"For an idiot like you, maybe." Catra stood up and walked out.

Adora frowned, she had high hopes for this job. Being called 'forehead' and 'idiot' wasn't on the top of her list. She just wanted to work, enjoy her time with the children and maybe regain the connection with Catra.

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