Wet panties (nsfw)

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Catra's eyes twitched as the sunlight coming from the window rested upon her eyes. She fumbled around the blankets trying to find the warm body who slept besides her last night.

After the smoke sesh with Adora, they went to the cabins and slept in the same bed, snuggling up close, their soft breaths on each other's faces.

But as Catra's hands searched for Adora to no avail, her morning thoughts troubled her.

Had it been all a dream?

Catra opened her eyes and tiredly scammed around the room, Adora was nowhere to be seen.

The brunette got out of bed rather quickly, yet being careful not to wake up her other four coworkers sleeping on their beds.

Today was supposed to be Saturday, which meant that they didn't have to wake up early. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and checked the time. 7AM... They could've slept the entire morning.

If that was the case, then where was she?

Catra sighed, maybe Adora regretted what they had done. Maybe she ran away like she did before, left Catra all alone.

There was only a week left for the summer camp to end, all Catra wanted was to spend each minute with her favorite idiot.

The brunette shook those thoughts out of her head and headed to the bathroom, in hopes she could brush her fish smelling teeth.

She carefully tiptoed around the cabin, heading to the nasty moldy bathroom where you could get toe fungus if you walked in without a pair of slippers.

As she opened the door, her eyes widened at the view in front of her. There was Adora, skin completely bare, still wet from a shower, water droplets dripping from her soft shoulders, her toned muscles and her perky breasts with rosy nipples, her V-line shaped abs, her million dollars pus-

"CATRA!" Adora shouted, snapping the brunette out of her trance. There stood Adora terrified trying to cover herself with the towel.

"Oh my god, Adora! I'm sorry!" Catra tried covering her eyes with her own hands. "I didn't see anything! I promise." Shit, Catra lied, she had seen almost everything. "I mean I did see, but I can unsee!" Shit again, she couldn't unsee that beautiful body, she would be lying to herself if she said her panties weren't dripping wet as Niagara waterfall.

"Catra, it's okay, just leave." Adora said anxiously, probably self-conscious of her own body.

"Yes! I'll go walk my fish- I mean I'll go for a walk." Catra turned around and bolted out of the bathroom.

'Good job, Catra. Scaring Adora so soon, she probably thinks you're a pervert now.' Catra slapped herself as she exited the cabin. Where should she go now? She should definitely avoid Adora for the rest of the day. If not, for the rest of her life!

Catra looked around, the weather was sunny but chilly, she decided to take a walk in the forest, maybe she would find a soft spot to go back to sleep. She never minded sleeping in uncomfortable places, when she was in the foster hone, she would often run away and sleep in some park like a homeless.

Catra walked a bit deeper into the forest for a while, there was no one around, they were probably sleeping, even crackhead Perfuma.

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