Catra's point of view

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'Another day in this hell, if I didn't get paid for this, I'd set this whole camp on fire.' Catra thought as she took a bite of her morning breakfast pickle sandwich. Since the last incident, the children have breakfast separated from the employees, avoiding another purge.

In a table not too far from there, Adora sat next to Perfuma. Catra tried avoiding meeting her gaze, when it was clear that Adora couldn't stop looking at her.

Catra knew the reasons, Adora probably felt guilty for the past. But there was no way to change things now. Even if that dumb blond became so good looking. With her dumb abs and fit body and stupid silky blond hair.

'What the hell is wrong with me? She's my childhood friend, I can't be preying on her.' Catra wiped the drool out of her mouth.

In her teenage/young adult years, Catra had a series of one-night stands or hook up's with random girls just for their looks. Catra wouldn't even allow them to touch her or please her. Physical touch sometimes triggered negative emotions, resulting her to be anxious while having sex.

Catra found a way to deal with it, by drinking alcohol before her hook up's, she felt more relaxed and every now and then, Catra would allow some of the girls to kiss her body.

She was never able to find one person who would stay no matter what. Even Mermista didn't take her shit seriously.

Catra tried hiding most of her issues away, which was easy considering the walls she built over the years. But whenever Mermista would come over for a weekend, Catra would eventually have nightmares and wake up screaming, flashbacks of Shadow Weaver's abuse.

Every now and then, she would have nightmares of Adora leaving and never coming back.

It felt surreal, to have Adora right there. She didn't believe it in the beginning. Her fight or flight response took over when she saw Adora in that cabin for the first time. Catra wanted nothing to do with her, but playing around with her feelings didn't seem like a bad idea.

After all, it could be a revenge for what she had done.

"Ughhhh, I can't sleep with all these damn mosquitos." Mermista walked in, complaining about something as always. Sometimes it was too much even for Catra.

Mermista was hot, don't get me wrong, but her personality sometimes collided with Catra's.

"Hey Mermista. Saved you a sandwich." Catra grabbed the aluminum foiled wrapped sandwich and passed to her.

"Thanks babe." Mermista sat down next to the brunette. Catra noticed Adora was staring, so she decided to toy around with her. She realized that Adora wasn't too comfortable with PDA (Public display of affection), probably because she took that job seriously.

"Where is my kiss?" Catra asked, cupping Mermista's cheeks gently and pulling her closer.

"You're such a tease." Mermista smirked and leaned in. Catra gave one last side look to Adora. She was still watching, incredibly uncomfortable by the looks of it.

Catra gently pressed her lips against Mermista, catching her lower lips with her teeth and biting it gently.

"Excuse me?! Excuse me!" Perfuma shouted. "I do not tolerate this here! If the children see adults making out they will definitely tell their parents. Stop this at once. Do it in your cabins when people go to sleep." Perfuma didn't seem happy, but as Catra quickly glanced at Adora, it seemed like she was content about it.

"I would but you didn't assign me to the same cabin as Catra, remember?" Mermista rolled her eyes.

"Then I guess you shouldn't be doing this here! We are here to work, get in contact with nature and teach the children the power of love." Perfuma closed her eyes and started meditating.

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