Last day - ending

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Adora sighed as she packed her suitcase, putting away her clothes in an orderly pile inside. It had been a tiresome week. Catra had confessed everything to Adora and Perfuma and eventually they had to call the cops in. But thankfully they left the sex tape and gun detail out.

The police ruled Gargaland's death a freaky accident.  Thankfully, none of it was pinned on Catra. The brunette was feeling better, but sometimes she would think about Gargaland, he could've had a better future. But it was too late now.

"Hey, Adora." Catra circled around a busy Adora, examining what she was doing.

"Catra! Hey, thought you were at breakfast." Adora packed the rest of her clothes.

"Nah, I'd rather not eat this shitty food one more time." Catra sat on the bed looking at Adora with her messy ponytail.

"Smart choice." Adora remembered the nasty bacon and icecream she had to eat that day.

"The buses will be here to take us to the city in two hours. Are you done packing?" Catra frowned, although she hated the camp, she had many great memories... Merbitcha, Gargaland, Lonnie, drowning...

"Kinda." Adora grinned softly, thinking about all the good moments.

"Can you come with me? I wanna take you somewhere." Catra stood up, raising her hand softly, expecting Adora to grab it.

"Where?" Adora hesitantly grabbed Catra's soft hands. Her fingers were so slim and long, they could definitely penetrate things easily...

"Follow me." Catra smirked and pulled Adora out of the cabin.

"Are you trying to make us miss the bus?" Adora giggled, following Catra into the wilderness. She secretly hoped that she'd miss the bus and stay at the camp forever.

"Nah, I want to leave this place." Catra scoffed but Adora frowned, did Catra want to leave her?

It wasn't long until they arrived the beach, Adora's nipples immediately became hard from remembering wet Catra after she almost drowned.

But her heart melted when she saw not far from them, a blanket with a few candles near the shore. Catra seemed excited to show what she had planned.

"Catra! Did you do this?" Adora looked around, there was a basket with fresh fruits and a can of condensed milk.

"Of course, princess." Catra sat down on the blanket and patted the spot next to her.

Adora sat down on her muscular booty and wrapped her arms around Catra.

"You didn't have to." Adora started weeping, happiness flowing through her veins as she hugged her favorite lesbian.

"Shut up, dummy. Let's enjoy our time." Catra grabbed a grape and shoved in Adora's mouth, making her cough. The girls played around on the blanket, fake wrestling and giving each other little kisses. Every now and then, Catra would drip condensed milk on Adora's skin and lick it up.

Eventually, Adora cupped Catra's cheeks and asked an important question.

"Will you miss this camp?"

"Hell nah." Catra rolled her eyes, she wanted to leave that place faster than the Jews in Germany finding out about Hitler.

"Oh." Adora frowned, Catra didn't want to prolong their moment together, it deeply hurt her chocolate flavored heart.

Catradora Summer CampWhere stories live. Discover now