Running like a headless chicken

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Adora grabbed some food to-go while Lonnie supposedly waited outside.

The blond girl smiled to herself, she hasn't really been on a date in a while. Was it a date? Probably, right? Since Lonnie was clearly interested.

Adora looked around at all the sandwich options she could choose from.

Today they had four options.

1. Bacon with Banana
2. Beans with waffles (inside the sandwich)
3. Eggplant with caramel
5. Grilled cheese sandwich

Out of all of those options, it was clear which one Adora would choose.

The blondie grabbed two sandwiches, one beans&waffles and one with bacon&banana.

As Adora walked out of the dining hall, she looked around for Lonnie. Where was she?

She decided to walk around for bit to find her. Adora hadn't seen Catra in a while as well, was she okay? Adora didn't have a lot of time to talk to her since she promised Lonnie to hang out. But there's no reason for Catra to be upset. Right?

As Adora walked through a path around the main cabin, she heard a familiar voice speaking behind the trees.

"It's all going according to plan, don't worry." Lonnie whispered, she was clearly on the phone, talking to someone. Who could that be? "I'll keep you updated if anything goes wrong."

Who is she talking to? About a plan, keeping someone updated?!

"Lonnie?" Adora emerged out of the tree sights and caught the dreadlocks girl by surprise.

"Adora! What did you hear?" Lonnie walked towards her, looking slightly pissed off.

"Ahh, not much I promise, something about a plan? Keeping someone updated?" Adora raised her hands to calm the other girl down.

Lonnie seemed annoyed for a second, before her face lightened up.

"Yes, I was calling my mobile network operator." Lonnie played cool.

"Come again?" Adora furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I have unlimited data in my internet plan, but it wasn't working well. They fixed it though, I told them I was going to keep them updated." Lonnie crossed her arms.

"Oh that totally makes sense." Adora giggled, she was suspicious for a minute but everything has been cleared out. She was being paranoid as always.

"Yeah, just my internet acting up. Follow me, we can chill nearby, there is a fallen tree that we could sit on." Lonnie walked towards the forest and Adora followed.

After Adora and Lonnie had arrived, they sat down next to each other. Adora dropped her backpack next to her feet and spoke up. "So, I got two sandwiches for us." Adora smiled.

"Oh, dope. Which ones?" Lonnie grinned excitedly.

"Beans&waffle and bacon&banana!" Adora unzipped her bag, showing the sandwiches.

"Oh great, I'm starving. Do you mind if I have both?" Lonnie took both without waiting for Adora's response.

"Ah... I guess? I took two so we could share." Adora frowned, her stomach rumbling.

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