Crime on the loose

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"Gargaland!" Catra shouted, running towards her sweatpants nearby and putting them on, thankfully they weren't stolen or blown away. Meanwhile Adora paced towards the child.

"Not a step closer, or you might regret it." The devil child brought the phone up, trying to show something.

"What do you mean?" Adora stopped walking, but moved carefully as if she was trying to approach slowly.

"Well, I recorded both of you doing the nasty and if you come any closer I'll upload it in EtherianTube.cum" The child held the phone up, showing the screen with a big button UPLOAD.

"You wouldn't dare, I'd kill you." Catra yelled, finally dressed. Damn it. Damn Gargaland, they could've made love for hours, but he just had to do some bullshit.

"I have nothing to lose. My mother is dead and my daddy is in a coma, I'm not scared of you." The child smiled, it didn't seem like he regretted anything. His clothes and body were dirty with mud, as if he had been living like a pig in the forest, even his ginger hair looked brown now.

"You're next, I'll make you see your mommy soon." Catra threatened as she walked closer to him.

"Nah-uh. If I post this, your beloved Adora will be seen moaning on the internet like a porn actor forever, they will make memes about her, even worse... She will NEVER find a job!"

"Noooooooooo!" Adora fell onto her knees, feeling her soul leave her sensual body.

"Adora! I won't let it happen, princess. You will find jobs in the future!" Catra ran towards her crus- I mean friend, and pulled her into a soft embrace.

"Don't let him upload it, Catra. This will destroy us." Adora sobbed, Catra's heart skipped a beat, why would it destroy them? It's not a big deal, is it? They didn't have parents to look down on them... But it would definitely affect Adora in her professional life.

"But since I'm such a nice boy, I'll give you a way out." Gargaland Earl spoke out, was he being genuine?

"What do you want?" Catra asked suspiciously, getting up from next to Adora who was now sobbing anxiously. Catra had never seen Adora this way before.

"In the camp, there is a safe. I need you to open it, I want all the money inside. It's probably the payments from the other kids' parents. With that money I can run away from here, you will never see me again." The kid started picking his nose while holding the phone.

"Will you delete the video?" Catra asked, starting to trust him. Should she?

"Yes, meet me here at Come alone, Catra. If I see anyone with you, I'll upload it." With that said, the leprechaun child ran away, into the heart of the forest, where he lived as a gremlin.

"No, Catra! It's not safe, we should call the police." Adora got up but her legs were shaking, she felt physically sick. She never thought her first time with Catra would be like that.

"And tell them that he has a video of us having sex? The police will definitely see that tape and use it as evidence..." Catra thought about it, there was no way they could get out of this situation.

"Catra, I need you to do one thing for me." Adora tried getting up, still shaking, her white skin was red, she felt physically sick, as if she had a fever. Maybe she really did catch Covid afterall.

"What is it, princess?" Catra held her waist, making sure she wouldn't fall.

"Kill me." Adora spoke bluntly.


"I don't want to live anymore if that video comes out, just end my suffering right now." Adora rested her body on Catra's embrace, accepting her fate.

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